by mbrproductions
Are the BTC-4Cs (900s) planned to be overhauled at some point? They are the only bilevels on the fleet without LED displays or automatic door control, the purple decals are old and wearing out, and their windows are scratched and you can barely see through them. They're starting to look exactly like how the 700s did before they got overhauled, before anybody says that they are too young to be overhauled, keep in mind that the BTC-4Bs (767-781) came here in 2001-02, and they were still included in that rebuild
Here's a picture of when they looked like the new Rotems we're getting now...
Here's a picture of when they looked like the new Rotems we're getting now...
Photo by Alan Thomas: NYNH&H I-4 Pacific #1372 proudly thunders through Forest Hills as it makes its way to Providence R.I.