• Rotem Cars Discussion (new bi-level cars)

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by Commuterrail1050
1822 is now up north. I’ve been noticing this trend that each time a rotem extension control coach goes into service, an active first batch of a rotem control coach goes up north. Interesting observation.
  by OldColonyRailfan
Only 2 more rotems to go up north, maybe 3, before all 1600s are retired.

1805 is back.
  by MBTAVideoClips
Came up on the switcher sunday 3/24. Has yet to enter service. I noticed they accidentally turned on its tracking data around noon the same day (was tracking as a fairmount train). How I know it was an accident? Thats around the same time the switcher ran.
  by MBTAVideoClips
Update: friend just said it will be 1125/1805. Not sure if this is accurate, but is something to look out for.
  by MBTAVideoClips
Gonna post this here, no better thread: 1700 is back and is in north side service.
  by Commuterrail1050
Just noticed that 1853 is now in service. One gap is now filled between 1852 and 1854.
  by Red Wing
Saw what I would assume to be a Rotem in the CSX freight yard along the NEC in Baltimore today. Too far away to get a number.
  by Commuterrail1050
Most likely the next 2 blinds, 1861, and 1862. Last post I saw went up to 1860 I believe. I could very well be wrong and off a digit or two, but that’s what I believe since 1859 and 1860 were last seen as delivered.
  by Commuterrail1050
Here’s something really interesting. 1811 the first veterans rotem coach is now up north. Started today! Worth catching it for anyone that can!
  by MBTAVideoClips
Exciting! I hope to see it tomorrow or sunday, as I plan to railfan both days.
  by MBTAVideoClips
Switcher today brought up 1824 (probably for NS service) and took down 1805-811-802-1851 (none of which were in NS service)
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