• OmniTRAX Class III Lines

  • For the discussion of the various Class III lines owned and operated by OmniTRAX: ATN - Alabama & Tennessee River Railway; BRG Brownsville & Rio Grande International Railway; CTRW Carlton Trail Railway; CTXR Central Texas & Colorado River Railway; CRL Chicago Rail Link; DCC Decatur Central Railroad; FCR Fulton County Railway; GFRR Georgia & Florida Railway; GWRC Georgia Woodlands Railroad; GWR Great Western Railway of Colorado; IR Illinois Railway; KFR Kettle Falls International Railway; MJ Manufacturers' Junction Railway; NKCR Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway; NSR Newburgh & South Shore Railroad; NOW Northern Ohio and Western Railway; PNR Panhandle Northern Railroad; PIR Peru Industrial Railroad; SS Sand Springs Railway; STE Stockton Terminal and Eastern Railroad
For the discussion of the various Class III lines owned and operated by OmniTRAX: ATN - Alabama & Tennessee River Railway; BRG Brownsville & Rio Grande International Railway; CTRW Carlton Trail Railway; CTXR Central Texas & Colorado River Railway; CRL Chicago Rail Link; DCC Decatur Central Railroad; FCR Fulton County Railway; GFRR Georgia & Florida Railway; GWRC Georgia Woodlands Railroad; GWR Great Western Railway of Colorado; IR Illinois Railway; KFR Kettle Falls International Railway; MJ Manufacturers' Junction Railway; NKCR Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway; NSR Newburgh & South Shore Railroad; NOW Northern Ohio and Western Railway; PNR Panhandle Northern Railroad; PIR Peru Industrial Railroad; SS Sand Springs Railway; STE Stockton Terminal and Eastern Railroad

Moderator: Aa3rt

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