by diburning
Perhaps new mods?
Railroad Forums
Moderators: sery2831, CRail
Adams_Umass_Boston wrote:Hey, I caught 3885 yesterday from GC all the way to Hynes, but there was something new!Maybe you should go check out the charliecard thread...
There was something new attached to the standee poles by each door. There were these black boxes with video screen. I also noticed they had a small speaker on each front. Does anyone know what these are for? The screens themselves were deactivated but had a logo that said "PC". I noticed one by each door. They were hung low as though they were for wheelchairs.
Adams_Umass_Boston wrote:How would I know that would be buried within that thread? I obvious had no idea what those black boxes were for. What would have made me think to look there for an answer?Sorry for pointing you in the right direction.
Some of use have lives and don't read every thread.