• Ring of Steel: Fare Gates at BOS, BON, & BBY

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by mbrproductions
If I am not mistaken this is just experimental and not actually final as of yet, am I correct?
- Thanks
  by Trinnau
No, it's intended to be permanent and work with the new AFC system when it comes online. If they're spending money and installing gates on the concourse that's not really "temporary". What was temporary were the people who were checking passes. Would've been done much earlier of not for COVID, I believe it was on plan to be installed summer of 2020.
  by sery2831
Red Wing wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 1:54 pm The whole idea isn't to find what your destination is, it's to make is so Conductors are not collecting fare's onboard.
Nothing changes on board, normal lifts will occur. Fare gate just eliminates having no fare on board. The big change is the gates are TWO way. Need a valid fare to exit upon arrival.

Trinnau wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:40 pm No, it's intended to be permanent and work with the new AFC system when it comes online.
The system is not compatible with the Cubic system, these gates are scheidt-bachmann fare gates.

First gates will be installed early July near the bar at North Station. Should take about three weeks for the gates to completely installed at North Station.
  by Trinnau
sery2831 wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:28 pm
Trinnau wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:40 pm No, it's intended to be permanent and work with the new AFC system when it comes online.
The system is not compatible with the Cubic system, these gates are scheidt-bachmann fare gates.
It may be in the AFC 2.0 contract to make sure it's compatible with what's installed already then. There was certainly communication between the projects pre-COVID and before the AFC delays.
  by mbrproductions
I hope they only plan on installing them at these three stations, and not the entire system.
  by sery2831
There is no plan to install them outside of the three terminal stations.
  by sery2831
The first group of gates have been installed at North Station
  by arthur d.
How does this work with people getting on and off Amtrak trains?
  by mbrproductions
The gates are capable of identifying and accepting Amtrak tickets as if they are Commuter Rail tickets
  by Commuterrail1050
Amtrak and commuter rail tickets will all have barcodes that must be scanned at the gates and all of the acceptable forms of payments that they accept will all be programmed into the gates’ computers to accept. Basically the same functions as the subway gates with the exception of broader payment options.
  by mbrproductions
Will you be able to get in using a CharlieCard?
  by BandA
Can you use a charlie card to pay for any Commuter Rail or Amtrak fare at North Station? If not then it wouldn't make sense to allow it for validation.
Last edited by BandA on Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  by chrisf
I would hope it accepts a CharlieCard. The monthly pass I get in the mail every month is on a CharlieCard that has the zone details printed on it, but there’s no bar code or easily identifiable markings on it. If I tap it on a bus, for instance, it is properly identified as a CharlieCard with a commuter rail monthly pass on it.
  by danib62
I’m fairly certain they’ll accept CharlieCards in order to be somewhat futureproof.
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