• New Hampshire Central Railroad (NHCR) Discussion

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England

Moderators: MEC407, NHN503

  by bigfreight
Track crew is working today on the line. They were in Lancaster at 700AM headed south with a number of pieces of equipment. I believe the name on the boom truck was NRM Rail services. He was picking up the old ties that were replaced . You probably could catch them between Lancaster and Hazen today. It looks like they have some ballasting to do yet.
  by bigfreight
They were on the line Tuesday. Mostly ballast work . I am thinking they are done. All the equipment went north to Groveton Monday and Tuesday. Got two pictures yesterday
  by BM1566GP7
The ST 72 (Ex B&M 1741) is at Danville Jct, awaiting pickup by the SLR for the trip to Groveton. The NHCR will move it to Hazen's, where the CSRX will take it to North Conway. Perhaps the NHCR will use a CSRX loco, instead of their own for the move from Groveton to Hazens.
  by highrail
My sense is that the engine may head to North Stratford first, before heading, at some point, to Hazens. No clear timeline
  by ericofmaine
It is heading to North Stratford first as when we set up shipping on SLR, the Groveton line wasn't open. Once we were informed that the Groveton line was open, we were unable to change the shipping to have the unit dropped there instead of a scenic journey around the north country.

  by bigfreight
Maine track works was on the line last week from Groveton to Hazen. the had their pick up and 2 pieces of track equipment. One of them looked ballast related the other I am not sure.
  by NHV 669
A short clip from last Friday, with 7324 bringing cars in from the interchange with SLR in North Stratford.

Video by Fisher Bridge Productions:

  by Fritz
Last week continued a busy summer on the NHCR, both the Groveton and North Stratford lines.

As noted previously, considerable track work (new ties and ballast, surfacing) was completed on the Groveton. Now Maine Trackworks is working with the NHCR to replace a culvert, install new ties and ballast, and surface the North Stratford line. When we drove by last Thursday, they were installing ties just north of Lovejoys.

Meanwhile, three locomotives were present at Shops, including NHCR GP9 7324 (in the shop building), GMTX MP15 205 (parked north of the shop building), and ST GP7 72 (stored south of the shop building). There were also quite a few cars being placed into storage.

All of this was visible from public highways; please respect private property.
All the best,
  by oibu
So is anything going to come of the trackwork on the Groveton line? Is this just standard state money maintenance whether there are trains or not, or is something coming beyond a few cars to Hazen and some car storage?
  by svobronco
Is the GP9 down?
I Have no idea how to rotate pictures on this site...
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  by b&m 1566
oibu wrote: Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:03 pm So is anything going to come of the trackwork on the Groveton line? Is this just standard state money maintenance whether there are trains or not, or is something coming beyond a few cars to Hazen and some car storage?
I don't believe there's anything, it must have been regular maintenance. It's hard to believe the last train to depart from Hazen's was nearly 2 years ago. The last time the Conway Scenic was there was September 1, 2019 and I think New Hampshire Central, was shortly after that. There were 1 to 2 covered hoppers spotted at Hazen's at the time the Conway Scenic showed up.
  by NHV 669
9/30/19, I got them coming back light engine with CSRX 1751, after dropping the last empty in Groveton.

Bringing down ST 72 is about the only imminent move I can see coming south to Hazens.
  by b&m 1566
I have heard they were one of the business effected by Covid 19, but I don't know to what extent. In the winter months deliveries were at another location, using Hazen's during the warmer months.
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