• New Hampshire Central Railroad (NHCR) Discussion

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England

Moderators: MEC407, NHN503

  by Who
woodeen wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:20 pm Not at all arguing with what you are saying. I am just coming at this from the angle that VTR is making this investment, why? They must have some reason, they must see some potential advantage. I just can't see what it is. The slurry business is the ONLY potential thing I can see, and as you say it just doesn't pencil out. When it is in-state I can sort of see how a state-owned entity can justify something like this (i.e., a service to state residents) but when it is an out of state investment it seems difficult to justify
You know something, when you "pencil it out" maybe they will link up St. Johnsbury, VT and Groveton, NH after all, nothing else makes sense, so why the hell not!
It seems like VTR is run on the back of a used napkin; maybe they are trying to become the next Patriot Rail, but these check for a pulse railroads, is all they can afford.
  by bigfreight
There has been some activity this week with Vermont Railway pickups going down the tracks from Groveton thru Lancaster and heading towards Hazen.
  by CSRR573
I would imagine that he move to deliver CSRR its new coaches should be happening soon.
  by NHV 669
Assuming the wreck train cars will be through as well, that's probably the main source of company rigs headed that way; the needed work at Hazens in preparation to allow them to get through. Specifically the crane, as others here have mentioned how heavy it is.

Haven't been down to look in a while.
  by NHV 669
NHV 669 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:13 am Spotted a VRS grapple truck parked in Lisbon facing east coming into work today. Maybe headed up north?
Saw the same truck in the same lot facing north again heading home just after 2 today. I know they're doing/did a tie job on the WACR, saw a bunch of track equipment at Wells River on Tuesday.

CSRX will have the Mountain Division open for service for the season again soon, wondering if anyone has ventured over to Whitefield lately.
  by CPF66
The boom on the crane will be removed at Groveton and loaded onto the dozer flatcar before the move to Conway as well. In addition to making it lighter for bridges, it will probably help with the move of the flat car. Both the MEC and B&M ones frequently derailed when empty.
  by CSRR573
Can the crane fit through the bridges on the Mtn Div? 4th iron 2nd iron etc. Assuming the set is stored in north conway, can the river road bridge support it?
  by Who
The Conway Scenic is paying money out of their own pocket to shore up those bridges after the state denied the extra funds to pay for it last year. This move almost wasn't going to happen until they stepped up.
This leads into my next question, with VRS in the process of buying NHCR and there being zero freight business opportunity between Groveton and Whitefield, what are the chances of VRS dumping the lease on the Groveton to Whitfield section? With the possibility of Quebec Junction to Waumbek Junction being reopened by relocating rail and ties from one to the other, would it make more sense to just extend Conway Scenic lease up to Groveton and let them handle their own equipment moves with SLR?
  by newpylong
Why would they give their lease up (even if there was no traffic?). I don't there is a monetary advantage there.
  by Who
newpylong wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:51 pm Why would they give their lease up (even if there was no traffic?). I don't there is a monetary advantage there.
Yet NHCR gave up the lease going to Littleton, where was the monetary advantage for doing that? The outside access is far more important to the Conway Scenic than it ever will be to VRS retaining that section just to appease the Conway Scenic. Change is coming whether we like it or not and once the rail trail advocates get the lawmakers involved, they are going to push to connect the Presidental Rail Trail and the Ammonoosuc Rail Trail. Let's not forget the push that's already starting to gain momentum to build a rail trail between Whitefield and St. Johnsbury, VT.
  by CPF66
The STB has yet to make a decision which allows an active rail line to get land locked. Whitefield-Groveton is safe regardless of who owns or who doesn't own the lease.
  by Who
Groveton to Whitefield or should I say Jefferson (Waumbeck Junction) is not going anywhere that section is too important for the Conway Scenic but it's of little value for VRS to keep with no freight traffic. My comment was based solely on the remaining section of the Berlin Branch to deal with and that's where Hazen, Quebec and Waumbeck Junctions come into play in a trail/rail swap. And for whatever it's worth in theory the state could keep Quebec Junction to Hazen and to downtown Whitefield to try and preserve the diamond and ball signal, only one track needs to come out for the trail.
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