• Lackawanna Cutoff Passenger Service Restoration

  • Discussion related to New Jersey Transit rail and light rail operations.
Discussion related to New Jersey Transit rail and light rail operations.

Moderators: lensovet, Kaback9, nick11a

  by geoffand
I don't believe putting the Cutoff in the same boat as MOM is fair. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... while MOM is going on to its 15,000th study of alternatives, the Cutoff is in an imminent funding position. The Cutoff route is already determined--the only thing needed is money, track, ties, signals, stations, equipment, and crews (and increased maintenance facilities, yards, more top brass--oh I know the list goes on). Oh yeah, I missed NJT motivation.

I believe if enough people show support for the Cutoff, it won't be as easily brushed off when the time comes for a funding decision. How about a billboard on Rt. 80 in PA with something like "Tired of the drive? Support the Lackawanna Cutoff!" and a billboard in NJ (are there any?) with the picture of a PA license plate with "Tired of looking at this? Support the Lackawanna Cutoff!"

Bumper magnets on PA residents cars that say "Get me off this road, support the Lackawanna Cutoff!"

Both would certainly be enough to stir up major media attention.

NJ-ARP-- this is right up your ally. Is it worth it to do advertising/grassroots campaign at a critical point like this? If so, how do you get non-members to contribute $$? I imagine membership dollars wouldn't cover something like this--and not everyone is able (or wishes) to have their name listed as a member. What is your current position on the Cutoff? What is NJ-ARP currently doing to try to get this passed through?

  by northjerseybuff
JGTSHU- The TTF later on will come into play for the cutoff..but to build it, its all federal funds. the TTF has nothing to do with it as this point.

As for politicians that support the cutoff. Look at the congressmen in both states fully supporting it. Littell, Frelinghuysen in NJ, can't think of the guy in PA at this point. both senators in PA are in favor of it.
Do a google search on corzine, lackawanna cutoff. He supports it
Lautenberg supports it.
I would think Lautenberg would have the biggest pull now that he heads up the transportation committee..the same one he headed when he brought the bacon home for Secaucus, montclair project, kearny and many others..WRITE TO LAUTENBERG!! It does work.
I also have been putting petition papers along the line in PA and NJ. One is at the Dansbury Depot. I haven't gotten to Scranton yet..but my God, can 2000 signatures help this? you betcha

  by Jtgshu
How is it not "fair?"

MOM was first proposed in its "current" form in 1985 if im not mistaken. The rails on the cut off were lifted by Conrail in what, 1984? True,
the MOM line is in its 15,000th study, which is why its getting so aggrivating to those people down here in Monmouth and Ocean counties. There was a clammoring for this reactivation long before reactivation was a "buzzword" - instead "cutback" and "abandonment" were the words of the day. I even have even seen infomation that the line was looked at for passenger service during the CNJ financial crisis back in the late 60's and early 70's - all while the Cut-off still had passenger trains, or at least just ceased them!!! (Did EL run passenger trains up to Amtrak day in 1971? - i think they did, correct???)

In all honesty, and I hate to say it for the war that will soon start, but its true, it would be unfair if the Cutoff got built and started BEFORE MOM. I know its not a matter of fairness, its where the $$$$ can go the furthest, and quickest and get the most bang for the buck, and also, of course, political pull. But to have NJ residents who needed rail service 20 years ago be passed over on a line that would service mainly PA residents is crazy!!!! Route 80 is a nightmare, ive been on it at various times of day, ive seen morning rush hours, and evening rush as well. Ive seen people heading east at 4am and the traffic then. And Ive seen how bad it is, and yes, something must be done sooner rather than later. Both lines need to be built ASAP, no question, but in reality, can they both be? One will probably be chosen first

However Route 9 is also a nightmare, and there will always be a bottleneck at the Raritan River - Route 35, Route 9 and the GSP are the 3 main ways to get across......thats it - unless you go miles and miles out of the way to New Brunswick on Route 18, another disaster in and of itself

In all seriousness, supporters of the Cut-off should do their own ridership study, like Monmouth and Ocean counties did. NJT's projected numbers and the routes they would take were out in left field. The counties took it upon themselves to do their own study and the ridership numbers, although these numbers seem very high IMO, they seem to give the other set of extremes, and ridership would in realtiy be in the middle.

NJT's number for the cutoff were also pitifully low if i recall correctly - If NEPA counties and NWNJ counties and cut off supporters took it upon themselves to hire their own consultant to come up with numbers, that would probably be the best thing that anyone could do to bolster support for the project on a grassroots level, a local, state AND federal level.

  by geoffand
Jtgshu wrote:How is it not "fair?"
What I mean is the Cutoff, to me, seems like much more of a reality. Especially considering it is in the Environmental Assessment stage, and MOM is in the "where the heck can we all agree to put this" stage.
In all honesty, and I hate to say it for the war that will soon start, but its true, it would be unfair if the Cutoff got built and started BEFORE MOM. I know its not a matter of fairness, its where the $$$$ can go the furthest, and quickest and get the most bang for the buck, and also, of course, political pull.
No war should start, that is your opinion and your entitled to it. Here is my opinion: The Cutoff has more of a chance for completion at the current moment. Let that go first. Fight for MOM once a route has been agreed on.
However Route 9 is also a nightmare, and there will always be a bottleneck at the Raritan River - Route 35, Route 9 and the GSP are the 3 main ways to get across......thats it - unless you go miles and miles out of the way to New Brunswick on Route 18, another disaster in and of itself
Hehe, just build another bridge... How many are they up to now? Quite ridiculous.

NJT's number for the cutoff were also pitifully low if i recall correctly - If NEPA counties and NWNJ counties and cut off supporters took it upon themselves to hire their own consultant to come up with numbers, that would probably be the best thing that anyone could do to bolster support for the project on a grassroots level, a local, state AND federal level.
Good point. Those numbers are unrealistically low. Advertising a cause to get people motivated, real numbers, etc. are all great ideas. Now we need an organization to run with it. There are a few set up already, where are they? It seems like now is the time to gear up to ensure funding, and nothing is being done. Forgive me if I am wrong--I can only report on what I see/hear.

  by blockline4180
Sorry, but in my opinion the Cutoff has just as much of a chance of being completed as MOM.... Once the final preliminary engineering assessment gives the Cutoff a good mark THEN and only THEN does the Cutoff have a greater chance of being completed... As of now, though, it is just like any of NJT's other pending projects..DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH!!

  by northjerseybuff

there will be public meetings with will be informational as opposed to public comment type to review the Environmental Assessment. Subject to confirmation, they will be:

Jan 17th Scranton
Jan 23 Andover
Jan 25 Stroudsburg
Jan 29 Blairstown

  by themallard

there will be public meetings with will be informational as opposed to public comment type to review the Environmental Assessment. Subject to confirmation, they will be:

Jan 17th Scranton
Jan 23 Andover
Jan 25 Stroudsburg
Jan 29 Blairstown
Do you have a source for this?

  by northjerseybuff
Like I said…more info to come on the exact locations. My source is someone involved with the Penn-Jersey Rail Coalition. Look for more news to come out on this tomorrow or Thursday.

  by themallard
For those unfamiliar with The Penn Jersey Rail Coalition, Inc., their website is at two URLs: PennJerseyRail.org or LackawannaCutoff.org. They are, in their words, a 501-C3 Non-Profit organization "Dedicated to Education of the Public on the issues for restoration of Passenger Train Service on the Lackawanna Cutoff".

  by northjerseybuff
As promised. Look for an official announcement from NJT to the press soon
I think some support at these meetings to combat the NIMBYS is in order

Hi All:

We are pleased to pass on the public meeting schedule for information on the Environmental Assessment report.

Each meeting location will be open from 3:00 to 8:00 PM and formal presentations will be made at 4:00 and 7:00 PM. At other than the formal presentation times there will be representatives of NJT available to discuss the details of the project along with a stenographer to record comments that will be fed back to the project people. The meeting dates and locations are as follows:

Jan 17th Hilton Scranton Hotel 100 Adams Ave Scranton, PA

Jan 23rd Perona Farms 350 Andover-Sparta Rd Andover, NJ

Jan 25th Quality Inn (formerly 1220 W. Main St Stroudsburg, PA
Clarion Hotel)

Jan 29th Blairstown Municipal 106 Rt 94 Blairstown, NJ

Comment cards will be available for people to express their sentiments about the project or a street or email address for more detailed comments. It is imperative that all attendees at least fill out these cards to express their positive support of the project. Unfortunately, the vocal minority will be out in force and attempt to skew the perception of the public support for the project.

Later this Sunday, January 7, more information will be available on the Penn Jersey Rail Coalition Web site "lackawannacutoff.org". Unfortunately, our web master will be out of town until then.

We need to impress the project people with the simple fact that it will not only be working commuters that will utilize this passenger service. May people will be interested in traveling to the Pocono's for recreational purposes, including many school children that can take a well supervised trip to Steamtown for their Class Trip at the end of the school year. It can also be an educational experience on the benefits of public transportation.

It is my impression that, for the first time, New Jersey Transit may be interested in moving this project forward after letting it languish on the back burner for many years.

We really need to get out there and support this project by our presence and follow up letters. More information on how to go about sending letters and in other related topics to follow.
  by Douglas John Bowen
Very useful information; thank you!

We'll post the schedule on our own Web site, and try to bolster potential pro-rail attendance through our Hotline (crediting Penn-Jersey Rail Coalition, as is appropriate). And we'll dispatch some of our best to attend at least one, and probably more, of the sessions.

  by northjerseybuff
I am shocked noone else posted today on here about this exciting news. From what i'm hearing, this is the FINAL push before the FEDS give us the approval rating. I think everyone on this board should tell there friends and neighbors to come out to one of the meetings and be heard!! Lets do this guys!!!! we all can help

Wasn't it a few days ago someone was asking what we can all do? or what politicians can we contact?? well, this is quite possibly the best thing for ALL of us..lets mobilize guys..put these NIMBYS in there place! I plan to be at one or both of the NJ ones

  by Steve F45
hopefully that crazy nimby from Clark,NJ doesn't show up with his lies about mile and a half long garbage trains traversing the cutoff.

  by harryguy082589
if they started work today when would they be finished?

  by Steve F45
harryguy082589 wrote:if they started work today when would they be finished?
who's doing the work? Smal company? Large company?

If Sanzari and RRCC joined forces they could knock out this entire project in probably 18months with the help of NJT for the signals/wiring.
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