• Haverhill Line Upgrades (Western Route)

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by Red Wing
One of the main reasons why the Downeaster goes via the Lowell Line is because of Anderson Woburn. You can overnight park and there is more convenient highway access than anything between Boston and Haverhill on the Haverhill line
  by The EGE
The Edward Dana Bridge (over the Mystic River between Assembly and Wellington) has very different deck profiles for the rapid transit and mainline tracks. It's unlikely that the third track could handle a mainline train on the bridge.

The lower Lowell Line will always be the better route for Haverhill and intercity service. It has far fewer grade crossings, and doesn't share track with the Eastern Route.
  by Commuterrail1050
Is the double tracking project even happening from reading through Wilmington?
  by arthur d.
Red Wing wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:00 pm One of the main reasons why the Downeaster goes via the Lowell Line is because of Anderson Woburn. You can overnight park and there is more convenient highway access than anything between Boston and Haverhill on the Haverhill line
I remember too that that when service started , one selling point was that inbound DE passengers could transfer to a shuttle from AW to Logan instead of going all the way into the city.
  by jbvb
It took them 10 years to do most of the "shovel ready" Great Recession recovery project from Wilmington Jct. to Andover St. in Lawrence. And then motion only really started when the 10-year deadline of the "shovel ready" funds was looming. Unless something changes profoundly at the MBTA, don't expect Reading - WJ to go any faster.

Contemplate that this thread started in 2009 and has grown to 108 pages.
  by oldlob
Some additional track-work (for the 2nd rail) has been started just south of the Ballardvale Station. They are also starting track-work on the northside. If there is interest I'll submit pics. Anyone aware if the T is serious of completing this section this season?
  by twropr
A CSX bulletin shows new TK 2 in service between CP JK and CP Vale. Also shows Rule 562 (operation by cab signals in lieu of intermediate block signals) along with PTC between CPF SL and CPF LJ. I believe this is the only R-562/PTC in effect over the former B&M.
  by jamoldover
562, maybe, but I don't think so. All of the MBTA-operated track (outside of terminal areas) has PTC in effect, and large parts of it (including ex-B&M territory) are being converted to 562 operation.
  by johnpbarlow
Intermediate signals were removed on the Fitchburg line in 2022 IIRC so it's also cab signal territory.
  by stevefol
How much of the second track is open south of Ballardvale? It’s probably going to be a bit tight on the Wildcat September-November as there are going to be over 40 trains a day using it with the ATC upgrade diversions.
  by shadyjay
oldlob wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:01 pm Some additional track-work (for the 2nd rail) has been started just south of the Ballardvale Station. They are also starting track-work on the northside. If there is interest I'll submit pics. Anyone aware if the T is serious of completing this section this season?
It was my understanding that the section between the two projects, through Ballardvale Station, was on hold until (what was it, the DPW?) yard on the west side to permit a new "inbound" platform construction. Presently there's a long low level platform, with the mini-high built on the ROW for the "outbound" track. So you'd need a new mini-high set farther back, the outbound track (closest to platform) relaid, and then something on the west side for the "inbound" track (existing track).
  by jbvb
The first scheme I heard, 10+ years ago, was Andover's DPW would move to a new site. Then the MBTA could use the old DPW site, on the east side of the tracks more or less across from the current west-track-only Andover station for a new station with parking and a new platform on the easterly track. Meanwhile they'd restore the easterly track through Ballardvale, removing the extension allowing access from the mini-high to the westerly track. MBTA trains would all use the easterly track, Downeasters and freights the westerly.

Andover's voters shot down the DPW relocation and I don't know the MBTA's current plan. There is not much room between the westerly track at Ballardvale and the apartment building's parking lot.
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