In related GASR news:
The state has approved for the old G&F mainline south of Kirby (Swainsboro) to Vidalia to be restored. Work will commence in the next few weeks by clearing trees / brush along the right-of-way then replacing the light rail, crossties, and ballast. The bridges (I believe there are two) will be repaired as well. All of this will be done by Utilco Railway Services of Tifton, GA.
The GASR's lease with the HOG on the Midville to Kirby section will expire in about 2 years. The plan is to have all of this done by then so that the HOG can take back over operations. This will give the HOG one complete line from Americus / Cordele to Midville. Word is that a big woodyard wants to locate on the line somewhere north of Vidalia. Also, word is that once this is done, NS will bring the pig trains from Savannah to Midville, handing them off to the HOG for the trip to Cordele. This of course will take that traffic away from the Georgia Central.
I took some pics along the overgrown line a week ago, with plans to get pics at those same locations after the work is completed or near completion. Hopefully I can get pics of the first train at these same locations as well!
The G&F will rise again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long hood forward forever!
Long live the G&F!
NS carman
Savannah, GA