• #4 Red Line Cars 1900-2151

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by type 7 3704
Didn't the WMATA 1000-series use the same GE GTO system? Though they have since been retired.
  by R36 Combine Coach
As a mid-90s overhaul, yes. All 1000 series cars are gone.
  by Commuterrail1050
This contract is just becoming a bigger disaster than necessary! The contract shouldn’t have happened just because it’s cheaper. Cheaper products in my opinion are usually crappier than those built well and a little more expensive.
  by jaymac
Choo-Choo Charlie Baker et al. may have gone, but their legacy lasts.
(Guess my New Year's anti-snark res didn't last.)
  by HenryAlan
Commuterrail1050 wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:32 pm This contract is just becoming a bigger disaster than necessary! The contract shouldn’t have happened just because it’s cheaper. Cheaper products in my opinion are usually crappier than those built well and a little more expensive.
Even with the extra $148 million, it remains far less expensive than the other options would have been. Really, this result is the best we could achieve without adding even more delay to the procurement.
jaymac wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:51 am Choo-Choo Charlie Baker et al. may have gone, but their legacy lasts.
(Guess my New Year's anti-snark res didn't last.)
I'm no fan of Baker, but these contracts were awarded during the Patrick administration. And as pointed out above, they are probably still the correct choice.
  by jaymac
The iInitial contract was under Patrick, but an additional contract was awarded under Baker, as were other questionable T-related appointments and decisions.
  by Adams_Umass_Boston
I would encourage people to watch the recent board meeting where the article comes from . https://www.mbta.com/events/2024-03-28/ ... -directors.
Some good points ...
. No one at the T is happy about this. The discussion of pandemic delays, supply challenges, cost increases since 2014, Trump tariffs and more have led up to this mess.
. Eng said it straight - The T cannot continue procurement this way. It's a failure to let such huge parts of the rolling stock to become critical, and then decide to replace them all at once.
. The T is in a terrible situation and has no choice to continue due to the facts above.
. They also mentioned that with the new contract, the T has the right to acquire the Springfield factory.
  by BandA
Why would the MBTA want the Springfield factory? It's just going to close after the orders are completed. Would it be a convenient location for a layover yard for Springfield Commuter Trains? Is it even connected by rail?
  by RandallW
The CRRC MA facility is on a short branch off the CSX main in Springfield. It would appear that a car build to FRA/AAR standards (vs FTA standards) would be shipped by train instead of by truck. I would imagine that MBTA is less interested in the facility than MA is interesting in leveraging the MBTA contract to ensure the state can be the steward of the facility if need be to maintain a rail car manufacturing capability in MA.
  by R36 Combine Coach
BandA wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:26 am Why would the MBTA want the Springfield factory? It's just going to close after the orders are completed. Would it be a Is it even connected by rail?
In theory, assembly of new cars could be done in-house, much like NYCT doing it at 207 Street or Coney Island. In
fact the BMT did just that with its 1927-1928 "D" class Triplex: built by Pressed Steel in Pittsburgh, assembled in
Coney Island.
  by BandA
I guess it makes sense to keep it under control of a communist-socialist government agency.
  by Diverging Route
I wonder if there is a provision for another, established railcar manufacturer to buy out the contract: Assume all assets and liabilities; finish this order and other properties' orders, and then solicit new business. This of course would require CRRC to want to exit, but given the Buy America act, it's unlikely they'll get any new orders -- they could cut their losses now.
  by CSRR573
Have they taken delivery of anymore cars? Tonight at work I saw a set of the cars going back and forth on the tracks leading to Cabot. They did this for a few hours tonight.
  by jwhite07
Two pairs of cars delivered so far in 2024. At this rate, the order will be complete in just under 20 years.
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