Railroad Forums 

  • Maplewood Station- Bethlehem, NH preservation effort

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England

Moderators: MEC407, NHN503

 #1568700  by NHV 669
Noticed what appeared to be braces against the side of the station over the weekend. Today this was posted by one of the selectmen to the town News page:


It appears they intend to capture every detail of the building as is, dismantle it, and relocate it somewhere in town on another property. I believe the current landowner is the developer who owns the nearby golf course.

I'm not sure what they'll be able to keep, as it is severely rotted, and was leaning quite a bit prior to the braces being put up.
 #1568726  by b&m 1566
The effort to save it should have happened years ago, I think it is too little too late now. Some wood and brick might be salvageable for incorporation into a new building if they want to build a replica.
 #1568728  by NHV 669
I'm thinking that is the idea, but there isn't much left in town for developable lots visible to the public eye to drop it in. What is available are generally super expensive commercial lots.
 #1568928  by NHV 669
https://www.unionleader.com/news/histor ... 803b0.html

Brief, fair use quote:
Phase I of the project, said Selectman Bruce Caplain on Wednesday, started with the installation of wooden buttresses on the west side of the depot, which is a short distance off Maplewood Hill Road, abutting the Maplewood Golf Club & Inn.

He said that soon an architect will visually record every facet of the building and come up with a plan for a contractor to “take it apart,” ideally by the fall, and in Phase II, put it back together near the center of town.

Phase I is expected to cost $12,000, Caplain said, and already two people have said they would match the first $7,500 raised by the nonprofit MaplewoodTrainStation.org.
Mr. Caplain lives in the other former depot in town, and they certainly have the right folks behind this project.
 #1569669  by Manalishi
Looks like it's listing heavily to starboard, much worse than the last time I saw it. The first time I visited the station, the staircase to the 2nd floor was intact and you could go up there. The next time I was there the staircase had rotted and collapsed. I'm glad they're trying to salvage it but as others have pointed out it should have been restored decades ago.
 #1569711  by Manalishi
One of my favorite shots from the Maplewood depot, taken in front of the platform which disappeared decades ago.

Whoever that chauffeur is waiting for must be rather wealthy judging by how expensive the automobile he's driving looks. The car must be British too as the driver is sitting on the right side.
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 #1569959  by BandA
Note the chains on the rear tires, and mud on the front tires. I read that early cars (perhaps before 1900~1910???) had the steering wheel on the right as you were more worried about the edge of the road than colliding with another car.
 #1570057  by caduceus
Most cars built before 1910 were right-side drivers. This was a holdover from most wagon-riding at the time, so the driver could keep a close eye on road-side ditches, obstructions, etc.

The Model T was a left-side driver, and became so popular in later years that others would end up following suit.
 #1570121  by jaymac
Wikipedia has a fairly extensive entry on lefthand traffic v. righthand traffic. Of interest was the explanation that horse-powered America teamsters -- teamdriver, where you been? -- originally had no benches in their wagons and sat on the lefthand horse with whips in their right hands, 90% of the populace not being lefthanded. The lefthand position gave a the teamsters a better view when meeting oncoming traffic. England -- being England -- did things its way.
 #1570203  by BandA
Story is that the Romans drove left-side of the road. Napoleon & his crew, to shake things up drove on the right side of the road & made everybody else in Europe switch, but never went to England so the English Empire never switched. Most railroad lines around here are right-handed.
 #1583621  by NHV 669
Drove by after work today and observed that the station is now a small pile of rubble next to a loaded dumpster positioned on the former RoW.

Edit: a post later this evening indicates that they salvaged what they could before the remains expectedly collapsed.
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