Railroad Forums 

  • Steamtown Bellows Falls ,Vt Steam in the snow 1974

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England

Moderators: MEC407, NHN503

 #1557363  by Pat Fahey
Hi all
How many of you can remember what I posted on the subject? area.
I rode the 1973 Steam in the snow,,, Bellows Falls, Vt to Rutland, Vt...
I am wondering did the 1974 trip run,, or was it canceled, ????
As always Thank you, Pat.
 #1557379  by ABP4014
Pat, at the time I was still in high school so I cannot answer you on that year, however the last year I believe was 1980 before Don Ball arrived on the scene. I chased this trip. and it comes from an interesting story. at that time I was a regular at Bob Bucks hobby shop and typically after the shop closed a small contingent would go to his home and run trains on the layout or show slides etc. afterword. sometime that evening the conversation came up as to whether anyone was going up for the trip. so after we got done for the evening I went home and got a change of closes and drove to Vermont, scouted out the route in sometimes deep snow and had a great time. the following year a became a volunteer for Steam town, but that is a story for another day.