• Naugatuck Branch in the 1970's

  • Discussion relating to the NH and its subsidiaries (NYW&B, Union Freight Railroad, Connecticut Company, steamship lines, etc.). up until its 1969 inclusion into the Penn Central merger. This forum is also for the discussion of efforts to preserve former New Haven equipment, artifacts and its history. You may also wish to visit www.nhrhta.org for more information.
Discussion relating to the NH and its subsidiaries (NYW&B, Union Freight Railroad, Connecticut Company, steamship lines, etc.). up until its 1969 inclusion into the Penn Central merger. This forum is also for the discussion of efforts to preserve former New Haven equipment, artifacts and its history. You may also wish to visit www.nhrhta.org for more information.
  by shepaug
I recall seeing somewhere in a State Rail Plan (wonder if any library still has old copies as was published off and on every few years) that Connecticut owned Torrington to Winsted and also owned the Watertown Branch and Wilson Point in Norwalk. Shows how accurate things were think Connecticut still owns segments of Torrington to Winsted but fragmented segments. I recall talking to some town clerks once and they noted the Central New England Railroad was still on their tax rolls.(assume unpaid?)

I do think often people build on rights of way and later somebody screams about ownership and they just forget it. There is some building built on the old row Bridgeport (going north) as they would have full access BUT a rail-trail became a reality and that business still sits unused to this day.

I would be interested in WHO did own Wilson Point as recent in the news the row was bought by landowners to get rid of an eyesore. It was not abandoned when the record says it was and tracks sat there up to a recent year. I'd love to see any pictures of activity. A lumber yard still had tracks to it but don't know the history.

All this stuff could take forever to research and probably only by personal visits. Tax Records are a start.
  by shadyjay
This map, put out by ConnDOT, lists ownership of lines statewide, including on some lines abandoned. Naugy-related, it looks like a section north of active track in Torrington is owned by the "Torrington Company of CT" and further north in Winchester town, a couple sections were landbanked, being acquired by ConnDOT in 1975.

https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DOT/docum ... 013pdf.pdf
  by GirlOnTheTrain
The landbanked portion in Winsted might be part of the Greenway.

Torrington Company ownership north of the active line makes sense, since the ROW pretty much went through their old factory. The rails are no longer there, but I wonder who owns it now - maybe the state since the new courthouse is in part of the old Torrington Company facility? Timken bought the Torrington Company in 2003 and then closed the factory a couple years later.