Aside from COAST and Wildcat Transit, NH has essentially zero regional transit. COAST runs in Portsmouth metro and NW along both sides of the Piscataqua to Dover, Rochester and Farmington, The NH seacoast has COAST because private bus service lasted longer in the commuter zone for Portsmouth Navy Yard. Nobody wanted to (or could afford to) demolish enough of Portsmouth and Kittery to get everyone the Navy Yard might need back and forth in private autos. Wildcat Transit, as you might imagine, connects UNH's Durham campus with cheap(er) housing in Dover and the malls and bars of Portsmouth. Schedule suggests it might have 2 buses, maybe plus a spare.
Few if any NH legislators spend the night in Concord, and I used to see the Governor making her way along 101 in her red Honda Insight in the morning (I could tell from the special plates). So State government has zero interest in public transit that doesn't have wings. Thus zero money, even though I bet NH DOT has sketches of what could exist in the Merrimack Valley if the voters ever demanded it.