And, they don't even have the most rudimentary, and necessary, document in hand. The FONSI from the FTA. The FTA has told them that until they come forward with an operating/funding plan they will not issue the FONSI. I have a copy of that letter.
See, when they refused to do it in stages the project lacked bang for the buck, so FTA backed off on the 50% New Start money. Threw it into an "exempt" pool and only would talk about funding at the 10-25 million level - not the $250-275 million level. This project, as it is presented, cannot compete successfully for New Start money. So - now if it wants to go all the way to Scranton, as allegedly demanded by Specter and Kanjorski, the states of NJ and PA have to foot the bill. NJ isn't going to foot the bill for a losing proposition in PA, and PA is in no position to throw maybe $300 million into a project just to get it off the ground - never mind operating loss subsidies. Dead in PA.
IF the "planners" (no more names) in PA had been reasonable and backed off on demands that this go all the way to Scranton, and instead allowed it to go forward in stages as recommended by the consultants - this project would have competed successfully, and been underway at this point.
I know of what I speak. And, in fact, I know a lot more.
It's over.