• F40PH-3C overhaul program

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by MBTAVideoClips
I heard something over my scanner earlier. Something about a train on track 13 at South Sta having its alarm going off with it potentially having something to do with the engine. It seemed like it was a doubleheader too. Was this 1033/1029 testing & failing?
  by Commuterrail1050
1033 is assigned south, so it might have been that with another engine. 1029 is still in testing which it isn’t likely it. They would never test 2 rebuilt as a doubleheader together. It’s one with an older in service loco.
  by MBTAVideoClips
I didn't mean 1033/1029 as in coupled together, rather 1033 OR 1029. Seems like it is 1033 though based on what you said.
  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
1033 is still OOS it is NOT in revenue service. HAS NOT passed its ACSES/PTC and seatbox tests. Hasn't turned a wheel in several days, still sitting in Readville at the bunter plugged into layover ground power

1029 should be at Area 52 with Mass Coastal for set up
  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
1033 still OOS at BET
1029 still OOS, needs computer chip card replacement, was in RDV on Thursday
  by MBTAVideoClips
Nobody mentioned but both 1029 and 33 have been revenue for a few weeks now. 1033/1711, not sure about 1029
  by Commuterrail1050
They are both in active revenue service. I saw 1033 leading last Friday with its horn while someone south saw 1029 multiple times.
  by Commuterrail1050
Has anyone seen 1034 or 1059 testing in Rochester or on the nec? It’s been rumored to be so, but I haven’t seen any photos or videos to back it up.
  by MBTAVideoClips
i don't think they've even been delivered yet
  by GP40MC1118
Nothing out of Erie yet unless something snuck out of Erie in the last few days.

  by GP40MC1118
I understand the 1059 is done, but not tested. You'd think Wabtec would want to close out the T contract once and for all considering all the other freight railroad contracts plus overseas ones.
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