• Car body damage to control coaches

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by Commuterrail1050
I figured I would start this out and say that 1718 was involved in a collision at prides crossing. Does that mean that coach is out of service for repairs like 1713 recently was?
  by OldColonyRailfan
Yes. 1718 took much more damage than 1713 did when it hit the vehicle. 1718 is going to be out for a while, possibly longer than 1707 was out.
  by MBTAVideoClips
I think 1721 is on it's way back. Someone posted a photo on YT of it in/near Ayer MA. Paper thingy on it shows destination of "SOMERVILLE, MA"
  by Commuterrail1050
It means it’s heading back to bet to get final work and test it before it returns.
  by MBTAVideoClips
Yeah the photo showed it with no plow so it does need final work. It could use a good cleaning too!