• CSX Charlotte Runner

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New York State.
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New York State.

Moderator: Otto Vondrak

  by BR&P
I don't envy you. I would not last a week having to play by the rules that govern the game now.
  by roadster
I learned a while ago. Don't try to understand, just do what your told. "We don't see the big picture.", has been told to me, a number of times by managers.
  by BR&P
"Mushroom managers" - "Keep 'em in the dark and feed 'em BS."

Between the economic climate of NY state in general, and the fact it runs through residential areas a good portion of its length, I'd guess there's close to a zero percent chance of any new industry locating on the line. (And the railroad probably would not want to be bothered serving them anyway). Sure wish I had taken more pictures when it was busier.
  by mike157
From over here on Cherry Road, I'd say that we can hear a load pull in maybe twice a week. If that. I see boxcars changing on the spur on a regular basis.

What would discourage any small industry from hooking up to the system is the "not in my back yard" mentality. Not restricted to Charlotte by any means. It took a long time to get WalMart into the run-down Northgate Plaza on Dewey. An industry wanting rail service would really have an uphill battle.

Now, I cannot be sure ... the tracks still run into Matthews & Fields Lumber on Stone Road and the tracks look maintained. Anyone know if there's still deliveries?

  by conrail71
I don't think Mathews and Fields has gotten a rail shipment in a couple of years. I go over that crossing at least once every couple of days and haven't seen a car spotted there in a long time. The weeds have also not been knocked down in the past year or so. I think the R&S may be done past Kodak on that line.
Mike S
  by charlie6017
I agree with Conrail71 that north of Kodak hasn't seen a thing, not even sure they could keep a wheel on 'em north of Dewey Ave

  by Matt Langworthy
conrail71 wrote:I don't think Mathews and Fields has gotten a rail shipment in a couple of years. I go over that crossing at least once every couple of days and haven't seen a car spotted there in a long time. The weeds have also not been knocked down in the past year or so. I think the R&S may be done past Kodak on that line.
I noticed the same thing back in December. It doesn't look like that M and F location gets rail service any more. The Henrietta location, on the other hand, seems to get a visit from the LA&L once or twice per week.
  by RussNelson
BR&P wrote:And then do that so you don't turn an ankle on the ballast? That's simply beyond my ability to comprehend.
Welllllll, I had plantir fascitis for a year and a half. It's gone now, but every step was painful. I ascribe its absence to daily stretching and wearing Sketchers Shape-Ups. Well, so, not only does the shoe have a curve from front to back so you get more forward and backward ankle motion, because you're about 4cm higher on a squishy sole than a normal shoe. That gives you a fair bit of side-to-side ankle motion. Sometimes the shoe tips right over, like turning your ankle on ballast.

I've sprained my ankle before, so I know very well what it feels like. I've felt that wearing the Shape-Ups, AND (my somewhat rambling point) I don't sprain my ankle. I think we've gotten so used to walking on flat surfaces with flat shoes that we forget what it means to have strong ankles anymore. My theory is that if you have to walk on ballast all day long, your ankles get strong enough to protect you against mis-steps. I may be wrong, of course.
  by BR&P
Russ, I'll guarantee that anyone who walks on ballast a lot sooner or later turns an ankle, hopefully not enough to sprain it but it happens. It just seems to me in some cases railroads are going so overboard to prevent injuries that they get foolish. Paying a van and driver to carry a conductor the length of the train?

I know change happens, and the "good old days" were not always good. But when you think of a flagman running back a half mile or more to stop a following train, then running back when recalled to reach his caboose before it left.....when you think of trackwalkers whose job it was to walk their given territory each day, carrying tools and repairing defects.....when you think of number grabbers walking up and down each and every track in the yard to take numbers...it's amazing how much has changed - both in technology (which is a good thing) and in our attitudes on what is considered an acceptable risk (which is not such a good thing).

It all comes back to our litigious society, where any and all things that happen are someone's fault, to be specific someone ELSE'S fault, and should result in great amounts of money.
  by Hojack One
I heard through the Barnard neighborhood grapevine that CSX may be doing some serious grade crossing repair in the near future. Today I saw a sight that may confirm that. (picture attached) On the north side of the McCall road crossing, about 25 new ties have been stacked beside the tracks. Can anyone confirm or clarify what I've heard? I don't see any new ties at the Dewey crossing. Both of those crossings are in sad shape. I can't recall the last time a Rochester Southern train went passed Dewey and their crossing is horrendous.
  by Benjamin Maggi
My parents just purchased a house along the Charlotte Runner, with their backyard facing the tracks between West Ridge Road and McCall Road. They tell me they hear trains in the morning (10AM-ish) , but it is hard to imagine what is running in the area now. Do coal trains still go into Kodak, or whatever it is called now?
  by charlie6017
I live on the opposite side off of Bonesteel, and I have not physically noticed any coal going in,
but I do know I hear the trains around 10-ish as you stated and there is much shifting around the
yard as I hear horns quite a bit when they are there.

As far as crossing repairs go, yeah, those crossings are rough. I wouldn't be shocked if R&S soon
files for abandonment north of W. Ridge Road. Matthews & Fields hasn't had rail traffic in God
knows how long.

  by Hojack One
Going over the Dewey crossing this evening I saw a stack of new ties on the south side, as well, so something is in the works.
  by scottychaos
Benjamin Maggi wrote:My parents just purchased a house along the Charlotte Runner, with their backyard facing the tracks between West Ridge Road and McCall Road. They tell me they hear trains in the morning (10AM-ish) , but it is hard to imagine what is running in the area now. Do coal trains still go into Kodak, or whatever it is called now?
Yep, coal is still going to Kodak..

Kodak is still Kodak, but what used to be "Kodak Park", and was *only* Kodak buildings, inside the park, for over 100 years,
is now "Eastman Business Park", and Kodak has been selling and leasing many of the former Kodak buildings inside the park..
several different companys are now inside "Eastman Business Park"..
Kodak is still the largest presence inside the fence line, but they are no longer the only company..
It would still be accurate to say "Coal for Kodak"..

And what was the "Kodak Park Railroad" became briefly the "Eastman Business Park Railroad" (probably about 3 or 4 years ago now)
and has changed names again, and is now "Rochester Switching Services, Inc.(RSS)"..being operated by the Rochester & Southern.
The three former KPRR locomotives had all their Kodak markings removed, including the flames on two of them, and now the only
lettering they have is their road numbers, (they still have their same numbers)..I have been expecting to see R&S locomotives inside the park at some point,
but that hasn't happened yet..only the three former KPRR locomotives (numbers 3, 8 and 10) have been inside the park..

I was laid off from Kodak a few weeks ago, so I will no longer have the ability the drive past the engine house on a daily basis,
which I enjoyed for many years..

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