• Proposed PATCO Expansion

  • Discussion relating to Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia Metro Area). Official web site can be found here: www.septa.com. Also including discussion related to the PATCO Speedline rapid transit operated by Delaware River Port Authority. Official web site can be found here: http://www.ridepatco.org/.
Discussion relating to Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia Metro Area). Official web site can be found here: www.septa.com. Also including discussion related to the PATCO Speedline rapid transit operated by Delaware River Port Authority. Official web site can be found here: http://www.ridepatco.org/.

Moderator: AlexC

  by Clearfield
Bill R. wrote:As the advocate with potentially the longest tenure in support of a rail system between Philadelphia nad Glassboro, I ask the following:

1) What is the factual basis for such a statement?

2) Where is the funding source?

3) If DRPA is not the lead agency for this project, then why does Jeff Nash feel that he has the knowledge and/or authority to make such a prediction?
Yes you are, Bill.

Maybe DVARP could pose those question to him?
  by radioboy
I ask this question in all seriousness: Does anyone honestly expect this to get built?

Service ended in the 1970s and talks of service resumed sometime in the 1980s. Since 2004 I've seen studies started and stopped a thousand times on this line. Neither DRPA or NJT has said they are willing to pay for the construction and operation of service.

In 2012 America, we can't build squat, but we sure can study the idea of building it.
  by south jersey trains
I emailed NJT in the fall of 2011,they replyed it is in the enviormental inpact study stage,the rail should be running 2016 or 2017.Email them and see what they say now.
  by chuchubob
interlocking wrote:According to the Inquirer, it appears that work on the Glassboro-Camden Line is resuming. Is it a go for actual construction?

http://www.philly.com/philly/news/break ... _line.html
The first line of the linked article answers your question. Another study has been approved.
  by josef
Since the DRPA says it won't run it, and NJ Transit isn't sure if it's going to, it might be worth contacting them in support of the line, if you're so inclined. The email address for the entire board is [email protected] (via http://www.njtransit.com/tm/tm_servlet. ... on=BoardTo). It doesn't have to be something long, and it just takes a few minutes. I feel like it makes it harder for them to ignore South Jersey if we make ourselves heard a little.
  by Bill R.
The interesting thing that the news media continues to report on is the insistence by South Jersey democratic (read: Norcross affiliated) political leaders that the project will be operating by the end of the decade. As DRPA has offloaded further responsibility for the project, and NJ Transit (or another unknown agency) has yet to assume responsibility for the project, i still don't understand how this happens, unless:

1) NJ State Senate President Steve Sweeney actually wins the gubernatorial democratic primary against a North Jersey candidate (perhaps backroom politics has already cleared the way, though I don't believe it) and then defeats Chris Christie - something I don't see happening right now but, admittedly, there are 20 months between now and November 2013. Those are both big "ifs" in my mind.


2) Sweeney and Christie have already made a backroom agreement to have NJ Transit take over the project. Since this would cost real money, I don't see any motivating political reason for Christie to make such a deal unless somthing else big is also on the table, and I still don't believe that this is the kind of trade-off Christie would make (I.e. see the line item budget cuts made by Christie in June 2011 - cuts Sweeney thought wouldn't happen due to agreement on public employee benefit "reforms").
  by hammersklavier
Methinks Christie's a Roads-First guy. So I don't see him supporting any kind of rail expansion in South Jersey (unless, that is, any sort of massively altered external situation forces his hand)...I think the South Jersey politicians are just filled with bluster right now. It's an open secret that North Jersey treats South Jersey like some kind of second-class citizen.
  by NJrailfan
Although they now seem to be locked into using light rail, it would make a lot more sense to build this line as a heavy rail commuter line, especially if NJT is going to be running it anyway. The only downside is it could not tie in with the river line at WRTC, but it would mean fewer infrastructure up grades and cut down on the amount of track needed to be built.
  by hammersklavier
I'm of the mind that the best move NJT has available right now is to run the Glassboro line as an extension of the River Line. This would allow for, among other things, less equipment to be used--a small order of Stadler GTWs to complement those already on the River Line, for example.

In the long term, you're right--both the River Line and Glassboro route are more suited for commuter infrastructure, and, remember, once hosted extensive commuter services. But to convert this incipient network, which runs over a network of relatively lightly-used freight lines, into commuter rail would be exceedingly expensive, not least because of a need for new terminal facilities. It'll likely be when more than 30,000 daily pax can use the station that such a terminal would be financially justifiable.
  by south jersey trains
If Chris Christi is picked for vice president and i believe he will be,it will be up to the next govenor to pay for the completion of the project. I have no doubt this project will be completed.It is my opinion back room deals were made,Sweeny will agreed to shaft the state employees and than Christi will support Sweenys rail project.Am i right? who knows but i think so.While they are at it FIX THE CAPE MAY SEA SHORE TRACKS!!!
  by ChrisinAbington
Is the website somehow supposed to be the official word from PATCO? Is the website even directly affiliated with PATCO?
(I would assume it is, but it doesn't take much to throw up a website..)
  by Matthew Mitchell
WHOIS indicates that that is an advocate's site and not official. I'll let the owner comment further.
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