• OmniTRAX: National rail company could double Port of Cleveland traffic

  • For the discussion of the various Class III lines owned and operated by OmniTRAX: ATN - Alabama & Tennessee River Railway; BRG Brownsville & Rio Grande International Railway; CTRW Carlton Trail Railway; CTXR Central Texas & Colorado River Railway; CRL Chicago Rail Link; DCC Decatur Central Railroad; FCR Fulton County Railway; GFRR Georgia & Florida Railway; GWRC Georgia Woodlands Railroad; GWR Great Western Railway of Colorado; IR Illinois Railway; KFR Kettle Falls International Railway; MJ Manufacturers' Junction Railway; NKCR Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway; NSR Newburgh & South Shore Railroad; NOW Northern Ohio and Western Railway; PNR Panhandle Northern Railroad; PIR Peru Industrial Railroad; SS Sand Springs Railway; STE Stockton Terminal and Eastern Railroad
For the discussion of the various Class III lines owned and operated by OmniTRAX: ATN - Alabama & Tennessee River Railway; BRG Brownsville & Rio Grande International Railway; CTRW Carlton Trail Railway; CTXR Central Texas & Colorado River Railway; CRL Chicago Rail Link; DCC Decatur Central Railroad; FCR Fulton County Railway; GFRR Georgia & Florida Railway; GWRC Georgia Woodlands Railroad; GWR Great Western Railway of Colorado; IR Illinois Railway; KFR Kettle Falls International Railway; MJ Manufacturers' Junction Railway; NKCR Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway; NSR Newburgh & South Shore Railroad; NOW Northern Ohio and Western Railway; PNR Panhandle Northern Railroad; PIR Peru Industrial Railroad; SS Sand Springs Railway; STE Stockton Terminal and Eastern Railroad

Moderator: Aa3rt

  by Jeff Smith
Port of Cleveland and OmniTRAX sign agreement: CrainsCleveland.com
Barges, trucks and an estimated 200 to 300 rail cars move through the Port of Cleveland annually, delivering everything from grain to machinery to scrap metal, according to David Gutheil, chief commercial officer at the Port of Cleveland.

Gutheil said he hopes doubling the amount of cargo the port imports and exports every year is one of the outcomes of a recent agreement signed with Denver-based company OmniTRAX.

In July, the port entered into a 10-year agreement with OmniTRAX, one of the largest privately held rail companies in America, which now owns more than 21 separate railroad lines, including the 25 miles of the Cleveland Commercial Railroad Co. The company has been aggressive about acquiring rail lines in Ohio.

OmniTRAX will be responsible for "port switching," something Scott Brinner, executive vice president of corporate development, said involves the logistics of moving railcars and goods on and off rail lines within the port.