• Catskill Mountain Railroad (CMRR) Discussion - 2013

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New York State.
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New York State.

Moderator: Otto Vondrak

  by jmarino
charlie6017 wrote:I must say, job very well done. It appears there is no reason that a trail cannot co-exist with the CMRR.

Great work! :-)

Nice job folks , hope this works out
  by jmarino
airman00 wrote:
O-6-O wrote:
airman00 wrote:Well if the trail comittee is willing to work with the CMRR then things should be ok. If they reject the CMRR's plan then we'll know they might just be anti-rail.

Something else that is not being mentioned and I know this is a ways off, but the idea of a cmrr that is connected on both ends and then both the cmrr and the durr (the railroad on the west end) can have an interchange with CSX. Now the county could see big $$ through trackage rights fees. Imagine this... CSX has cars for the durr. CSX could take the cars to the durr themselves, (through trackage rights on the cmrr. that means $$ for the county) OR the durr could come and pick them up, (again trackage rights = $$) or the CMRR could deliver the cars themselves (for a fee of course)

Now add on top of that cmrr's OWN freight service be that transload service or actual freight customers with sidings. And that is just the freight end of things. So every way you look at it, this line has loads of potential with big $$ for both the cmrr and the county. And to accomadate interchange service with trackage rights you could install a couple of passing sidings and signals as well. :) (old signal pedestals still exsist along the line)

The trail itself, if built actually makes NO money on it's own. It requires people who use it to then go and spend money in ulster county somewhere be it a store or restuarant, etc. If I just drive up and walk the trail and then drive home without spending any money, then the trail makes no money.
Yeah..it's too bad Penn Central/Conrail weren't this 'forward" thinking and gave up on the line too soon. No doubt CSX can't wait to access all that freight potential up in Delaware Co as they have always longed for running on 40 +miles of 90lb rail to help stuff their coffers full. Sorry but....come on guy get real. The only way CMRR and D&U
connect now is buy car float. The Esopus has other ideas for the ROW. Phoenicia to Shandaken is gonezo..... kaputski...... to Big Indian and west? not in anyones lifetime reading this. The Cat was/is/and always will be about the the Ashokan Res. We need to focus on that.
Forgive me but I don't get it, why so negative? Myself I'm one to never say never. :) And besides you make it sound like nothing else matters beyond the resivour. I know the west end of the line is in bad shape, but still to just give up doesn't seem right.

Negative is not the word !! Give up I rode past the folks Saturday working on the switch in Kingston they sure don't look like they have gave up , never say never they sure not !
  by jmarino
On a nicer note I look forward to riding this year , when are the new ??? being put in service ? or do they need work first ? I seen you guys hard at work Saturday on the switch in Kingston
  by airman00
How far past the phonecia yard area is the line/row intact? And I read earlier that big indian bridge is failing, can it be saved? I know the west end of line is in poor shape due to Irene and all, but how much of west end is intact? And if parts of it are intact, there's always hope! :)
  by jmarino
airman00 wrote:How far past the phonecia yard area is the line/row intact? And I read earlier that big indian bridge is failing, can it be saved? I know the west end of line is in poor shape due to Irene and all, but how much of west end is intact? And if parts of it are intact, there's always hope! :)
Last year E.Hunt had put in the locations that were washed out ,I believe the first wash out starts at K-28 , Iknow under 28 their is nothing left One trestle is missing [woodland]valley the big indian trestle is up if you can call it that one of the piers is real bad and when I was their a huge amount of trees and other debris were up against the span , west of that one trestle was removed by the county but the last I knew it was stockpiled at the location EH would know more , I read they have run track cars from the highmount to Pine Hill , not sure if Irene did much damage from lasher rd to Highmount ,I am positive it would take a great deal of money , as you say theres hope ,
  by Otto Vondrak
airman00 wrote:How far past the phonecia yard area is the line/row intact? And I read earlier that big indian bridge is failing, can it be saved? I know the west end of line is in poor shape due to Irene and all, but how much of west end is intact? And if parts of it are intact, there's always hope! :)
You may find this 2007 article of interest to you.

http://www.railroad.net/articles/railfa ... /index.php

  by O-6-O
airman00 wrote:How far past the phonecia yard area is the line/row intact? And I read earlier that big indian bridge is failing, can it be saved? I know the west end of line is in poor shape due to Irene and all, but how much of west end is intact? And if parts of it are intact, there's always hope! :)
If the boundary of the yard is lets say Bridge St ( the western most switch is just short east of there) then the answer to your question is about 100 yards. Just under
the rt 28 bridge is about where it's practical to put a car as the first major washout (more like a wash away) occurs. I believe mile marker 28 is under water somewhere.
  by jmarino
jmarino wrote:
airman00 wrote:How far past the phonecia yard area is the line/row intact? And I read earlier that big indian bridge is failing, can it be saved? I know the west end of line is in poor shape due to Irene and all, but how much of west end is intact? And if parts of it are intact, there's always hope! :)
Last year E.Hunt had put in the locations that were washed out ,I believe the first wash out starts at K-28 , Iknow under 28 their is nothing left One trestle is missing [woodland]valley the big indian trestle is up if you can call it that one of the piers is real bad and when I was their a huge amount of trees and other debris were up against the span , west of that one trestle was removed by the county but the last I knew it was stockpiled at the location EH would know more , I read they have run track cars from the highmount to Pine Hill , not sure if Irene did much damage from lasher rd to Highmount ,I am positive it would take a great deal of money , as you say theres hope ,
Today 3/4/13 I took a ride up to look at the big indian trestle , the debris have been cleared from the span quite the sag in middle didn't have a camera with me , looks the same as the photo Ernie Hunt took some time ago, it looks as maybe someone cleared some trees from the right of way near the trestle
  by jmarino
O-6-O wrote:
airman00 wrote:How far past the phonecia yard area is the line/row intact? And I read earlier that big indian bridge is failing, can it be saved? I know the west end of line is in poor shape due to Irene and all, but how much of west end is intact? And if parts of it are intact, there's always hope! :)
If the boundary of the yard is lets say Bridge St ( the western most switch is just short east of there) then the answer to your question is about 100 yards. Just under
the rt 28 bridge is about where it's practical to put a car as the first major washout (more like a wash away) occurs. I believe mile marker 28 is under water somewhere.
Yes I also stopped here today also didn't even see the rails in the water anymore the creek is close to roadway now . Mother nature has taken a great deal away
  by eehiv
Saturday, March 9th

Cornell Street will open at 9am. Plans are to continue work on the new west switch.

Sunday, March 10th

Cornell Street may be open on Sunday. Please call Mark Glaser, George Peck or Earl Pardini to confirm. Plans are to continue work on the new west switch.

Ernie Hunt
Volunteer Coordinator
  by eehiv
Saturday, March 9th

Saturday at Cornell St. work continued on the new west switch. Closure rail segments were cut to size, drilled and bolted to the points. The spread was set on the north (diverging) closure rail and three ties changed out just before the headblocks. The subgrade for the link to the storage siding was leveled and 12 ties were laid in and positioned. Miscellaneous switch OTM was gathered and organized. Today's crew included: Earl Pardini, George Peck, Dave Hilliard, Jarrett May, Jim Bruck, and Mark Glaser.





Sunday, March 10th

Sunday, More progress was made today on the switch project @ Cornell St. The south stockrail lead was bolted to the main after hard spiking all new ties inserted yesterday west of the switch entrance. Braces,slide plates and dividers were installed on and under the north stockrail and adjacent spaces on the north point and closure rail. Today's crew included George Peck and Mark Glaser.

Ernie Hunt
Volunteer Coordinator
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