• stub switches in Japan?

  • Discussion about railroad topics everywhere outside of Canada and the United States.
Discussion about railroad topics everywhere outside of Canada and the United States.

Moderators: Komachi, David Benton

  by MBTA3247
While watching Highball Productions' "Tokyo: The Yamanote Line", I noticed what appeared to be several stub switches along the line, with the diverging route rails not connecting into the main line rails. There also did not appear to be a flangeway for the diverging route at the frog, but that might have just been blurred out by the video. Am I correct in thinking those are modern-day stub switches?
  by MBTA3247
kaitoku wrote:They are trap points that also serve as derails. If the derail action does not stop the train, then the diversion into a ballast pile is back-up. I assume the switch you saw was similar to this (I hope the link works):
http://blog-imgs-24-origin.fc2.com/o/o/ ... 030349.jpg
or this:
http://img2.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/88/ ... 1250601257
Neither of those links work.

Also, what I saw were not derails, but actual connections to other tracks. Here's a screenshot from the video:
