by rethcir
The Commuter Rail is the wrong straw man to set up these days to sway public opinion. The riding public and local media generally view the CR as the only "winner" of the post-pandemic, post-baker T. ... ridership/
I would love to see it electrified/RER style at least inside 128, I think that would solve some problems, but I agree that the tide has turned on riding patterns. The subway needs a lot of love and attention before we fix the least-broken part of the system. There's also the matter of the looming Big Dig 2 at allston and the transportation issues it's going to cause for metrowest. ... ridership/
I would love to see it electrified/RER style at least inside 128, I think that would solve some problems, but I agree that the tide has turned on riding patterns. The subway needs a lot of love and attention before we fix the least-broken part of the system. There's also the matter of the looming Big Dig 2 at allston and the transportation issues it's going to cause for metrowest.