• Rochester and Syracuse Divisions

  • Discussion relating to the NYC and subsidiaries, up to 1968. Visit the NYCS Historical Society for more information.
Discussion relating to the NYC and subsidiaries, up to 1968. Visit the NYCS Historical Society for more information.

Moderator: Otto Vondrak

  by Otto Vondrak
I have a booklet from 1961 that discusses the Syracuse Division, yet it also includes the operations of the former Rochester Division, as well as operations down to Newberry Jct., Pa,. and the Cherry Tree & Dixonville Railroad... when were all of these operations combined into the Syracuse Division?

  by Beech Cricker
The lines to Newberry then down into the Clearfield area coalfields and the CT&D were once a part of the Pennsylvania Division. On an ETT there is a pencil note that the Pa. Division was merged into the Syracuse Division on October 26, 1958. Can someone verify that date?


  by Otto Vondrak
That makes sense... that would pinpoint the date somewhere between 1958 and the 1961 date on the booklet I have.

  by Beech Cricker

What kind of booklet do you have?


  by lbagg91833
Met with an old NYCRR guy at the NYCSHS meetin. He hired at ROCHESTER IN 1957, at ROCHESTER DIV HQ, then at ROCHESTER. The 'merge' of the SYRACUSE/ROCHESTER/PENN DIVS musta been after his HIRE! Time frame of late '50s sounds correct....LARRY BAGGERLY
  by ChiefTroll
In 1953, the Official Guide showed:
G. F. Jessup, Supt Syracuse - Rochester Divisions, Syracuse.

Apparenty the two divisions still existed, but under common management.

The Pennsylvania Division was still separate, under A. C. Nelson at Jersey Shore

  by Beech Cricker
Otto Vondrak wrote:Beech Creeker- I decribe more about the booklet I have in this link:


Otto, yes, I saw that and appreciate your going to the trouble of typing all of that. Is this the extent of their Beech Creek District coverage in this booklet? --Jeff