• Railfan Defaces SEPTA Map!

  • Discussion relating to Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia Metro Area). Official web site can be found here: www.septa.com. Also including discussion related to the PATCO Speedline rapid transit operated by Delaware River Port Authority. Official web site can be found here: http://www.ridepatco.org/.
Discussion relating to Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia Metro Area). Official web site can be found here: www.septa.com. Also including discussion related to the PATCO Speedline rapid transit operated by Delaware River Port Authority. Official web site can be found here: http://www.ridepatco.org/.

Moderator: AlexC

  by Umblehoon
Okay, I know it was one of you, here! I was on a Silverliner IV (I think #407, I didn't take as careful note as I should have) this morning, and noticed that it had a very old map. It indicated a lot of extra stops and a few lines were longer than they currently are. Someone (I have little doubt that it's someone who hangs out here...) took a Sharpie to it and corrected it.

Funny, yet sad.
Last edited by Umblehoon on Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

  by glennk419
Funny you should mention that. I've seen that same map and it's been that way for a while, probably courtesy of some disgruntled rider who lost their stop.

  by R3 Rider
Well, if it makes anyone feel any better, I did my part today by removing a Chiquita Banana sticker which was covering Cynwyd station on my train's 1991 vintage system map. ;)

  by pennengineer
R3 Rider wrote:Well, if it makes anyone feel any better, I did my part today by removing a Chiquita Banana sticker which was covering Cynwyd station on my train's 1991 vintage system map. ;)
Way to go. Now how will all those R6 riders know about the recently-added Chiquita service? "Next to arrive on track 2 is the scheduled. Eight. Thirty. Six. R. 6. LOCAL! To Chiquita." :wink:

  by limejuice
Caught a train downtown at the new Melrose Park station last weekend, and saw that some a-hole had spraypainted "OAK LANE" over the Melrose Park sign. Many railfans are well-reasoned, intelligent, and personable. Unfortunately, it seems many are also reactionary, stupid, and maniacal - among a long list of descriptors that would be inappropriate to spell out on a public forum.

Begin rant.

Whoever you are - grow up, will you? The likes of you are the primordial scum of this earth and you do nothing but disgrace rail enthusiasts the world over. You are the reason professional railroaders cringe whenever they hear the R word - RAILFAN. Then you have the audacity to whine all over rail-related internet forums about how things are, and not only do you do NOTHING about it, but your selfish actions actually hinder progress and inhibit the enjoyment of others. Just stop it already. Stop vandalizing. Stop stealing my bells, and stop stealing my crossbucks. Or just stop breathing my air. Ok? Ok.

End rant.

  by R3 Rider
Color me confused, but why would someone have spray painted "Oak Lane" on the Melrose Park sign?

  by SCB2525
Thats what the station was originaly named.