by Teamdriver
Thank you , My Rail , it was a hard fought battle, but i persevered by ducking , dodging , and sometimes hiding . No really , i won by deflection from the main topic. Your pictures did remind me of the camelback Mack truck suspension, from a sales brochure of same that i retained back to pre- Big Dig times when i almost bought a Mack dump truck to sign on to the fun, but passed on the opportunity . Did you know that Anchor Steam is shipped refridgerated from the brewery , so when you go to get some from the packy, make sure its in the cold box. Barrels of it ( ie draft beer ) are always kept cold, and except for being bounced few tough concrete steps into the cellar at Doyle's , receive the care and treatment commensurate to their quality. But those boys have always run a fine establishment , so no worries ! And also I would like that fine educational institute on Ave Louis Pasteur for its help in the preparation of my skills by its hammering into me formany collective years of various foreign , and yes , ancient languages . Sláinte , et Sumus Primi ,erromenon se hoi theoi diaphulattoien !
Running on Empty all these years.......... ... 1306790577 ... 1306790577