• Ft. Collins Street Running

  • Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.
Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.

Moderator: Komachi

  by dhaugh
I've read that there was or is some ex C&S street running in Ft. Collins, CO. Since I'm going to be visiting there next month, I thought I'd find out if that's still used, as well as what sort of traffic density/type of traffic I might see in Ft. Collins in general. Thanks, Dave
  by TB Diamond
Mason Street.

Street running begins at Cherry St. on the north side south to Laurel St. which is the boundry of CSU.

Still very much an active line. I do not keep track of it but I believe there are at least 2-3 trains/day north and south, general freight with some TOFC/COFC. The Longmont Local runs 5x/wk, usually gets to Ft. Collins around noon or a little after and turns back to Longmont. I do not know if this operates all the way to Ft. Collins every day or not, however.

The UP and GWR also have a presence in Ft. Collins if you are interested.

I believe that there are some members that are more familiar with the line than I. Good luck.