• Green Line relocation project status

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by AznSumtinSumtin
Maybe the Flyers are going to get overhauled and get LED destination signs, wheelchair lifts, and ASA. But thats just a fantasy.

And the Viaduct is almost finished. Probably gonna be opened in a few months. But since we live in Boston, it might be a year.

  by sjd0356
I heard from two Green Line operators a couple weeks ago that service to Lechmere will be happening at the end of October. Whether that is true or not I don't know.

  by kwf
I saw the Rail Grinder parked at Lechemere today...

  by ceo
AznSumtinSumtin wrote:Maybe the Flyers are going to get overhauled and get LED destination signs, wheelchair lifts, and ASA. But thats just a fantasy.
You, sir, have some peculiar fantasies. The sooner they send the last of those horrible old rattletraps to the scrapyard, the happier I'll be. (I'm already happy not to live on a TT route anymore.)

  by aline1969
CEO, you are a sad person. The Flyers are the best rubber tired thing the T has. They seat 44 people and can hold 80 people... the new ones only seat 31.... do the math!!! Rattle traps or not they won't catch fire like the RTS buses will either!!!! They are proprelled with classic 1950's Pullman motors, this is cool stuff. Keep them longer.. I'm happy for history. 1.2 million dollar junk boxes the new ones are, these flyers cost 76k each and the T has gotten 30 years from them. The way it should be.
Two will be preserved at Seashore, so don't come riding them there if your anti trackless.

  by MBTA1
[quote]Rattle traps or not they won't catch fire like the RTS buses will either![/quote]

That was a cheap shot at the RTS.

But on a serious note, I too like the Flyers and personally hope the T can keep them in longer. I however think new destination signs would be stupid and ruin the history embedded within them.

  by Robert Paniagua
Any status yet on Green Line Relocation? I think it might be set for November, but I'm not too sure, since I'd like to check it out when it does reactivate...

  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
and i can't wait to be ride the line again, new rail tunnel, lol :-D

  by Robert Paniagua
Yeah, that's very much right, the new tunnels, and they even have a yard there too. Who knows if it's out of view from the main tracks though.

  by CSX Conductor
Robert Paniagua wrote:and they even have a yard there too.
Where? In the tunnel somewhere between North Station & the viaduct? First I have heard of anything like that.

  by octr202
CSX Conductor wrote:
Robert Paniagua wrote:and they even have a yard there too.
Where? In the tunnel somewhere between North Station & the viaduct? First I have heard of anything like that.
I believe its not so much a yard as a pocket track, akin to Blanford St. or Northeastern, but underground.

  by ceo
aline1969 wrote:They seat 44 people and can hold 80 people... the new ones only seat 31.... do the math!!!
Well yes, you inevitably lose seating in a low-floor design, especially with a left-side door hacked into it.
They are proprelled with classic 1950's Pullman motors, this is cool stuff.
Those motors (or, more accurately, their control electronics) are the most annoying thing about them: they appear to have two power settings, On and Off, and any attempt at modulation causes lots of jerking back and forth.
And weren't those buses built in 1975? What are they doing with 1950s motors?
Two will be preserved at Seashore, so don't come riding them there if your anti trackless.
I'm actually a fan of TTs, I'm just not a fan of obsolete junk.

  by aline1969
It is not yunk, new technology is junk. :-D

The MBTA found that the Pullman motors were much more reliable than the motors the Flyers came with. I have been told that after just two months after the Flyers arrived the T added something to make the coaches not decelarate smoothly, but rough like you hit the brakes.

The entire thrill of trolleys is to hear the motions of the motor going through knotches, now the new ones are more like a regular bus, boring take offs.

  by octr202
I have to agree, from the times I've seen passengers being picked up from a disabled Neoplan by one of the old Flyers! :wink:

That said, the only two features that I like on the Neoplans are the air-ride suspension (Mt. Auburn St. and Belmont/Trapelo are horrible) and air conditioning. Other than that there's not much good to be said about them...

  by ckb
I'm not sure how this thread got distracted by Trackless Trolley talk. But ... today's Starts and Stops column gives the weekend of November 12th and 13th as a new target date.

"''Construction activity has all but ceased," wrote T spokesman Joe Pesaturo. ''The remaining work involves upgrading the signal system. Subway Operations and Signal Department personnel are working unyieldingly in order to resume Green Line train service to Lechmere Station the weekend of Nov. 12 and 13. The MBTA is extremely grateful for the tolerance and understanding on the part of customers during this time of transition."

http://www.boston.com/news/local/articl ... ane_shift/ (scroll down to the bottom of the first page)