• Cyclone Gabrielle, New Zealand East Coast devistation.

  • Discussion about railroad topics everywhere outside of Canada and the United States.
Discussion about railroad topics everywhere outside of Canada and the United States.

Moderators: Komachi, David Benton

  by David Benton
New Zealand was hit by Cyclone Gabrielle, Feb 12th , and caused damage to large parts of the North Island.
Damage to the East coast , and northern Hawkes Bay , was particularly severe.
Below is a video by Geoff Mackley, of damage to one bridge that is still accessible . Large parts of the railway have not even been viewed yet . It is unlikely this railway line will reopen in the near future.

He has a lot more videos of the damage, and planty of cabrides of other lines.
Personally , I had 1/2 a metre of water through my business workshop , and a metre high wall of water rip out 1/2 my small farms fencing . Benn a bit busy lately.
Thankfully , the death toll is quite low so far , they are still searching , and it is expected to rise.
  by NaugyRR
I'm glad you're alright David, houses and fences can be replaced, people can not. My heart goes out to those that were affected.
  by David Benton
Thanks , NaugyRR.
Thankfully , at this stage the death toll has not risen , and the number of people reported missing has dropped significantly.
But more heavy rain dues tonight.
Expected reopening times for the main railway lines in the area are 6 months to a year. A rough winter will extend that.