• Movies filmed on or around NJ railroads?

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New Jersey
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New Jersey

Moderator: David

I have no idea what the name of the movie was, but it was an old-time cowboy movie on AMC. In one scene there was a caboose and a stack of railroads ties on the track with cowboys behind it, using it as a barracade. They were shooting at a bunch of bad guys (obviously) down the track.

In the next scene two steam trains were bearing down on each other at about 50 MPH and then there was a massive collision as they hit head on. It was very spectacular and in the background was Green Pond Mountain in Rockaway Township.

I know that the Wharton and Northern did movie shoots during their hard times to make ends meet, so I assume that was what I saw - I just wish that I had paid attention enoungh to notice the name of the movie. It starred the character that played "Lofty Craig" in the old Annie Oaklie television program back in the 50s.

I've actually seen this movie at least twice. The first time I saw it what stuck me as odd was the scene with the caboose and rr ties was in the western desert/high country. The scene with the head on collision was obviously in a completley different setting which I now know was Morris County.

If anyone has seen this or knows what I am talking about, please pipe in so that I know that I am not loosing my mind.

  by steemtrayn
sullivan1985 wrote:Kevin Smith had some NJT in both Jersey Girl and Chasing Amy.

Jersey Girl: A train speeding out of New York into Jersey and the station sign was changed to read "New Jersey".

Chasing Amy: The two comic artists are in Red Bank I beleive and a few expresses of Arrows and i think One ALP train go by. You really cant see them to much because they are blurred in the background and also moving about 80 MPH.
8o mph? Through Red Bank?

  by 7 Train
Far From Heaven and Mona Lisa Smile were filmed on M&E.

The Yards has a scene with Comet I/Pullman coaches in a rail yard at night.

  by pdman
TV commercials, etc.

I remember a great Buick or Oldsmobile ad in the 70s that was taken at the Gladstone Station. It was mostly used in high end magazines at the time: Fortune, New Yorker, etc.

They had a single four door sedan parked at a slight angle at the east side of the station and a polished up two car MU. Between the MUs, the station, and the car, it was classic looking in all regards.

At that east end of the station used to be a little express room where engineers would sign a register. It had old lanterns, flags, fusees, glue pots, REA forms from a zillion years before, and more. Neat little room with a window facing east.

Also, the little freight shed across the tracks was a great building to photograph and model. Is that there anymore? I guess it was an LCL shed.

  by sullivan1985
steemtrayn wrote:8o mph? Through Red Bank?
Yeah, i dont know why I put 80. First number that came to mind. But if you ever watch the scene, its moving pretty damn fast.

  by Jtgshu
50 at the Navesink River Rd xing over Navesink River bridge, 60 through town, to the Rt. 35 xing in Shrewsbury, in case anyone was wondering!

Kevin Smith always has some kind of local references in his films to NJ, and inparticular, Red bank (where his store and offices are), Highlands (where he lived and went to school), and of course, Leonardo, where Clerks was filmed. Its a lot of fun watching his movies to look around at local landmarks!

  by rvrrhs
I don't know the names of the movies off-hand, but according to Rahway Valley Railroad lore, several silents were filmed (in Kenilworth?) using RVRR rolling stock. As I recall, it was put to a stop after a special effects accident. Perhaps Don Maxton has the facts...

Also, the new Bernie Mac movie looks like it has some NJT in it. I have not seen the movie, but there's at least one shot in one of the commericals that appears to show downtown Cranford with an NJT coach on the bridge next to the Cranford Hotel (although it is shot looking down from one of the buildings on North/Westfield Ave.). Of course, it could be another town in NJ but I'm certain I saw the NJT stripes on the coach.

  by njt4172
The Bernie Mac movie you are referring to is called "Guess Who" It is currently playing in theaters...I also heard some rumors that part of the movie was filmed at the Madison train station....I have to go see it now........


  by B777bill200
Im not to sure but i think a seen from the movie (TRADING PLACES) was filmed at Linden station on the north bound side parking lot showing a AEM 7 a 6 cars north bound to NYP.
  by 1st Barnegat
PDT009 wrote:...Actually, none of the General was filmed in New Jersey...
I've been misinformed about the General. Thanks for the correction!

  by ryanov
njt4172 wrote:The Bernie Mac movie you are referring to is called "Guess Who" It is currently playing in theaters...I also heard some rumors that part of the movie was filmed at the Madison train station....I have to go see it now.......
There is a pretty obvious screwup in the movie with regard to filming. The original shot at the train station could well be Cranford (where the movie supposedly takes place) -- it's definitely an RVL station, as I rode past it a few times travelling to Bound Brook -- I just don't remember whether it's Cranford or one of the others (there is an overpass under which the 59 bus runs). You can see an F40 with newer Comet cars in it. HOWEVER, Cranford has no stone station building (seen in the movie), and the train that pulls out of the station is being pushed by an ALP-44 (you can see the electric lines too in an overhead shot, though they are not in the original shot). Little bit of a continuity problem.