Big Al wrote:I read somewhere that the Van Wert County Port Authority is planning to removing 10 miles of track on the old EL. This will be from Jonestown Road, west of Elgin to Glenmore Road in Glenmore. This also includes the line through Ohio City.
Link: ... f=2&t=1714
Well isn't that nice? I rode many times over this track at 70mph on the "Lake Cities Express" I guess if the junk goes to China, at least there is will be used for investment in modern railroading. But they are building roads too for the billions that are learning to drive. While we keep spending billions on top of the trillions spent on highways already. Ohio, the state that's resisting any real investment in trains at all in the three C corridor. The highway lobby is alive and well, just ask BP!
Delaware, Lackawanna and Pacific-everywhere east.
New domes should be built and soon.