October 29th Vermonter Heavily Delayed


Sources in Western Massachusetts indicate Amtrak’s Vermonter is encountering fallen trees on the New England Central Line around Greenfield MA and may have been damaged by one. As of 8:30pm, the Vermonter had not passed Balloch’s Crossing, located near Greenfield. At 8:42pm it was reported the train had reached East Northfield MA. Amtrak.com is reporting arrival at Brattleboro Vermont 5 hours late, but in a conflicting report also shows arrival at  St. Alban’s Vermont 5 hours late. A source in Western MA has indicated a possible cancellation of the train in Brattleboro; but this is unconfirmed at this time.

Friends and family expecting passengers on tonight’s Vermonter should contact Amtrak at 1-800-USA-RAIL to obtain the most recent and accurate details.


  1. listen no one was injured badly, the passenger’s will have something to tell the gerandchildren years from now, i have ridden the train, is good i wish it was faster, but that’s the way it is, hopefully with the funding it improves

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