• New York, Westchester & Boston NYW&B SS 24 & SS 26

  • Discussion relating to the NH and its subsidiaries (NYW&B, Union Freight Railroad, Connecticut Company, steamship lines, etc.). up until its 1969 inclusion into the Penn Central merger. This forum is also for the discussion of efforts to preserve former New Haven equipment, artifacts and its history. You may also wish to visit www.nhrhta.org for more information.
Discussion relating to the NH and its subsidiaries (NYW&B, Union Freight Railroad, Connecticut Company, steamship lines, etc.). up until its 1969 inclusion into the Penn Central merger. This forum is also for the discussion of efforts to preserve former New Haven equipment, artifacts and its history. You may also wish to visit www.nhrhta.org for more information.
  by Noel Weaver
SS-24 - Mamaroneck was still in use up until and including timetable no. 126 dated May 26, 1935. Timetable no. 127 dated
July 21, 1935 shows Mamaroneck covered by a special instruction and the switch lock was controlled by SS-26 (Rye). This
arrangement continued until after the Port Chester portion of the N.Y.W.& B. was shut down and in fact the whole N.Y.W.& B. was shut down, supplement no. 1 of timetable 134 dated January 30, 1938 cancelled the instructions pertaining to the
N.Y.W.& B operation in this area although the electric lock remained on the yard switch and was still controlled by SS-26.
Incidentally these timetables showed "D" offices at nearly all of the stations between Post Chester and Mount Vernon but did
not show any open hours for these offices. I guess they wanted to allow for the agents to be called agent/operator and be
available for emergency blocking in the event of a complete failure of the signal system.
Finally timetable no. 135 dated April 24, 1938 shows no more anchor bridge at SS-24 which closed the book although I am
pretty sure that the tower closed back on July 21, 1935. Even in those days I think they had the means to control the
breakers on the anchor bridge from Cos Cob and if not, they would call somebody out if they needed to be operated.
I hope this answers the questions posed regarding SS-24.
Noel Weaver
  by Statkowski
Here's a track diagram of S.S. 24, Mamaroneck.

It protected the New Haven's crossing of the NYW&B tracks, but did not otherwise interact with the NYW&B. In other words, the NYW&B's crossovers were hand-thrown.

Last edited by Statkowski on Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
  by Otto Vondrak
Statkowski wrote:Here's a track diagram of S.S. 24, Mamaroneck.

It protected the New Haven's crossing of the NYW&B tracks, but did not otherwise interact with the NYW&B. In other words, the NYW&B's crossovers were hand-thrown.

Mr. Statkowski, thank you for finding the info! Mr. Lynch handed off copies of same to me this afternoon. I am going to re-draw the diagrams and repost so we can all share the info.

  by Statkowski
Otto (if I may be so personal), I just scribbled out the track plan on paper, accounting for each and every lever on the Improved Saxby & Farmer mechanical interlocking machine (built under license by Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa.).

Some NYW&B observations:
* S.S. 24 did not control the crossovers at Rockland Avenue. Since the NYW&B did not have an interlocking tower at that location, the crossovers had to be hand-thrown.
* S.S. 24 did control both the home and approach signals to the New Haven crossing.
* Although the NYW&B utilized right-hand, two-aspect, lower-quadrant automatic block signals, the westward approach signal (#14.01?) to the New Haven crossing is shown on the track diagram as a left-hand, three-aspect, upper-quadrant automatic block signal, such as was used on the New Haven.

* Was this westward approach signal on the NYW&B the only New Havenish left-hand, three-aspect, upper-quadrant automatic block signal on the NYW&B?
  by Statkowski
Here's what S.S. 24 looked like before the NYW&B came on the scene.


You'll note there are no automatic block signals in effect. This was the era of Controlled Manual Block.
  by Jeff Smith
Quick FYI; I put a "shadow" topic of this in the NYS forum in case anyone looks there. I did this by moving it there, and then moving it back to NH.