by D Alex
I live in Rochester, NY, near the old NYC water-level route, which all in all is pretty flat all the way from the Mohawk Valley to Chicago. Yesterday, while waiting for my car at the repair shop, I was watching on the mainline, when an intermodal came past. First thing I thought was odd was the fact that there was only a single AC locomotive at the head whereas I've only ever seen 2 or more. It was a full-length train (easily 100 cars), but there was a second locomotive cut-in about 2/3 of the way down. Now, I know such things are common in mountainous terrain, but I have NEVER seen such a thing on the old NYC main. Is this something CSX is doing now, and for what reason? Could it be that they plan to break-off the 2nd locomotive and all the cars behind it somewhere between Rochester and Chicago?