• Graffiti on SEPTA

  • Discussion relating to Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia Metro Area). Official web site can be found here: www.septa.com. Also including discussion related to the PATCO Speedline rapid transit operated by Delaware River Port Authority. Official web site can be found here: http://www.ridepatco.org/.
Discussion relating to Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia Metro Area). Official web site can be found here: www.septa.com. Also including discussion related to the PATCO Speedline rapid transit operated by Delaware River Port Authority. Official web site can be found here: http://www.ridepatco.org/.

Moderator: AlexC

  by skm
Is there an upsurge of graffiti on Septa?

I was surprised to see a regional rail car on the R2 tagged (I think that's term) with graffiti. I've seen subway and elevated cars tagged growing up in Philly but never a regional car.

  by whovian
Happens here and there. Doylestown and Media yards are notorious. SEPTA sends the 'tagged' cars to Overbrook shop and they take care of it.

  by silverliner266
I never seen a tagger RR car on any route.

  by glennk419
One area where Septa typically does an excellent job is in grafitti control. It is very rare to see a tagged car.
Doylestown and Media yards are notorious.
Doylestown is having a lot of well publicized problems with some of the kids in town, I didn't realize this was an additional issue but it's not surprising.

  by Njt4300
Its a shame!! Don't these kids have respect for Railroads?

  by R3 Rider
They don't have respect for anything, so it's nothing personal against the railroad.

  by Njt4300
Im 14...... a railbuff...... and not like any other 14 year old..... I have extreme respect for everything! Most kids today are just wierdos. NO respect...... do anything to make them look " COOL" I am not for that it is and outlandish idea. graffiti on that train was probably a " DARE" or something! I wish it was the 50's... lol........ I like the idea of letting us railfans govern... I would make them work on every train septa has! Clean out every car with a toothbrush!!

  by M&Eman
I'm 13. No one really does graffiti anymore. There's no point. I'm in with the "popular" people and we just have funthat doesn't brake the law (well, most laws). This was probobly just a bunch of losers who thought they would be "cool" if they did this.

  by thegivenup
I would like to start this post out by stating that I am not a graffitti artist, but I am familiar with the 'scene' that is graffiti. I would also like to state that graffiti comes in a couple of different forms. There is the occasional "Big Mikey and Little D" stuff that small children put in wet concrete, there is the 'tagging' where someone puts their alias in/on anything. Often times you seen tags scratched into the back windows of SEPTA buses. If you walk around Center City you can look at the railings, the metal shutters on windows and the like and find little tags done in white out and marker. Then there are full on 'pieces'. Pieces are what people are used to calling graffiti, extensive full size lettering done in multiple colours on walls and the like. I am assuming that we are talking about Pieces here.

For those paying attention, there are perhaps about 50-100 'hard core' writers in Philadelphia. These people have perfected the art (and yes it is art) of writing and piecing. Every verticle surface is a chance for them to spread their art, and this includes trains. So far the only SEPTA train I've seen that has been pieced is a car that is sitting in Overbrook (Sil II or III I think). Otherwise SEPTA vehicles have faired well (or SEPTA cleans them quickly). This cannot be said for the freight railroads. A quick glance at any frieght train usually weilds at least one or two cars that have been hit.

Now that you know more about the problem, what is the solution? Here is where it gets hard. You can catch the small time kids (yeah, they are usually kids) that paint every once in a while. The 50-100 hard core graffiti artists are another story. The one tag or piece that you see is nothing compared to the other thousand that are all over the city. These people are professional artists, and with the art comes the crime of trespassing and actually painting, which they have perfect as well.

The point is to illustrate that these people do not go out with the thought 'Hey I'll disrespect this train by painting it', it is more along the lines of 'This train goes a lot of places, and people will see my art work when it is going/sitting at the station/sitting in the yard'. The graffiti 'problem' that SEPTA has now is not nearly as bad as what it had years ago (70's/80's), what New York has had then and now, and what goes on in Europe. So I suppose SEPTA is doing something right.

  by Matthew Mitchell
thegivenup wrote:The point is to illustrate that these people do not go out with the thought 'Hey I'll disrespect this train by painting it', it is more along the lines of 'This train goes a lot of places, and people will see my art work when it is going/sitting at the station/sitting in the yard'.
If you [bleeps] want to see your [bleeping] "art" [ptui] travel around the city on a SEPTA vehicle, you can call SEPTA's ad contractor and do it legally. http://www.titanoutdoor.com/

  by glennk419
thegivenup wrote: These people have perfected the art (and yes it is art) of writing and piecing. Every verticle surface is a chance for them to spread their art, and this includes trains.
Grafitti is NOT art, no matter what the "artists" may think. It is VANDALISM, pure and simple.......VANDALISM that costs our money to remove or repair.

There are plenty of opportunities around the city for true artists to express their creativity. Destruction of private or public property is not one of those opportunities.
Last edited by glennk419 on Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

  by Njt4300
" ART " ??? you call that___ ART? Wow I thought picaso and angelo were artists? How dare you put that into there category. Graffitti is NOT ART!! I hope people understand it. Those 50-100 " HARDCORE" " ARTISTS" should put there skill on to paper. What an uter outrage!! Hey, if grafitti was "ART" it would be in the Philadelphia " ART " Muesum!!!

  by jsc
without getting involved in a dialogue about what is and is not art (remember that Jean-Michael Basquiat was a grafiti artist before he started working with Andy Worhol) I think it would be wise to simply acknowledge that to many, the large-scale "pieces" that are being described here are at best an attractive nuisance. The observation about the cost to remove the paint is a very real one and the self-expression of the grafiti artist conflicts with the railroads property and thus is removed.

There is, in Philadelphia, an outlet for folks who want to paint walls - the mural arts program. They've created some wonderful (and some not-so-wonderful) murals on blank walls all over the city which are embraced by the communities that have hosted the work.

'tagging' is simply modern narcicism...trying to get your tag more places than anyone elses. I don't even have grudging respect for that. SEPTA vehicles have a film over the windows that resists "scratchiti" and is replaced when it accumulates too much of it leaving a pristine window.

Most of the other graffiti I've seen on SEPTA has been in the form of stickers that someone plasters all over a vehicle or station. They're generally removed during regular cleaning cycles.

Grafiti (whatever the form) is generally associated with urban "problems" even though a fair amount of the perpetrators are middle-class kids from suburbia. SEPTA has an agressive program to remove it because it makes the system less attractive to riders, broadcasts the impression that nobody cares and undoes a lot of work to improve discressionary riders' impression of SEPTA.

finally, there is a SII at overbrook that has a large, elaborate grafiti "piece" on its side, and has had it there for several months, now. I imagine that SEPTA will power wash it off the car but haven't scheduled the work yet because of the low temperatures. Until that work is completed, I'm sure the car will remain out of service.

  by Wdobner
Very well said. Perhaps the most coherent and sensible post in this whole thread.

  by Irish Chieftain
'tagging' is simply modern narcicism
You misspelled "vandalism". Art goes on something owned by the artist.