• Did somthing happen in Ronkonkoma today?

  • Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.
Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

I herd on the radio that all LIRR service east of KO was suspended wit police activiity. Whats goin on?

EDIT- I herd this on wbab
Last edited by LIRRNOVA55 on Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

  by Long Island 7285
paul, u have to post the source u herd or u will be blocked like the crew who posted the other trubble. thanks for editing that. dont want u to be locked

  by lirrmike
Not funny. Anyway the news (News12 Long Island) says service is suspended east from Farmingdale. Maybe Joe emfinite can shed some light on this.


  by emfinite
There was a pedestrian hit at Wyandanch and there is bus service from Farmingdale east. Lots of commotion on the scanner because of it.

  by mark777
Yes, the problem was that we hit a pedestrian at the Straight Path crossing. The train that I was on which was an equipment back to Penn (5051) struck a pedestrian roughly around 5:30PM on Thursday. Amazingly, the guy survived the hit. It wasn't a pretty sight. Once again, I'm reminded of how ignorant people are to simply disregard the crossing gates and train horn. This individual also didn't take into account of what the accident does for other people, including my crew as well as myself and the people who were stopped at the crossing and witnessed the whole thing. One lady was with her child and unfortunately saw it all happen. His body could have easily landed on someone else and hurt or kill them. The police had the entire crossing blocked for about 1 hour before we were finally allowed to proceed west to Penn. By that time, I counted a total of 6 trains that were stranded between Hicksville and Farmingdale, with I believe one westbound stuck behind us at Deer Park. I'm sure things were horrendous for the afternoon commute.

  by peconicstation
This week there has been a rash of grade crossing accidents accross the country, I just do not get how stupid people can be.

This also explains why the evening Scoot to Greenport passed by Peconic about 50 minutes late on Thursday eve.


  by Clemuel
Does anyone remember the old Special Instruction regarding presons struck by trains?

It required the crew to remove the body from the tracks, leave a member of the crew with it, and continue the trip?

My, have things changed.
