by 2nd trick op
MODERATORS : Please feel free to handle this subject matter in any forum you might deem advisable:
Some of the senior posters at this site will, I'm sure, recall me as a very active participant during the years 2002-2015. However, the desire for more challenge and a larger. less-specialized-group led me to shift the majority of my participation to -- originally a real-estate centered site gradually expanded into many general-interest issues I've encountered a couple of old friends over there, and got the chance to increase my overall activity from about 1600 posts here to over 12000 over there (since being "encouraged" into retirement). I'm usually very active in the wake of any major rail-related story (regrettably. it's usually been an accident) and try to submit links to introduce more of an increasingly-detached public to the real word of rail operations.
But at any rate, I've been reading a new techno-thriller (Red Metal by Mark Greany -- one of the legatees of the late Tom Clancy) and plan on launching a new thread on this in the "Railroads in Media" sub-forum; would appreciate anyone from the membership filling in some details on any points where my exposure might be a bit thin,
thanks in advance,
2nd trick op
Some of the senior posters at this site will, I'm sure, recall me as a very active participant during the years 2002-2015. However, the desire for more challenge and a larger. less-specialized-group led me to shift the majority of my participation to -- originally a real-estate centered site gradually expanded into many general-interest issues I've encountered a couple of old friends over there, and got the chance to increase my overall activity from about 1600 posts here to over 12000 over there (since being "encouraged" into retirement). I'm usually very active in the wake of any major rail-related story (regrettably. it's usually been an accident) and try to submit links to introduce more of an increasingly-detached public to the real word of rail operations.
But at any rate, I've been reading a new techno-thriller (Red Metal by Mark Greany -- one of the legatees of the late Tom Clancy) and plan on launching a new thread on this in the "Railroads in Media" sub-forum; would appreciate anyone from the membership filling in some details on any points where my exposure might be a bit thin,
thanks in advance,
2nd trick op
What a revoltin' development this is! (William Bendix)