• Amtrak train kills person on tracks west of Mansfield

  • Discussion related to Amtrak also known as the National Railroad Passenger Corp.
Discussion related to Amtrak also known as the National Railroad Passenger Corp.

Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, mtuandrew, Tadman

  by jersey_emt
Acela Express wrote:Thanks to everyone who is showing concern for the crew. We are all doing okay. We never get up and start our day wishing for something like this to happen whether it's a Boston, New Haven or New york crew or any train crew period. It's never a good thing to hear your train go into emergency at speed, especially @ 150 M.P.H. We were doing top speed when we took this person's life. Mansfield is @ M.P. 204 we didnt come to a complete stop until M.P. 202. Two miles away. This young person didn't get hit by accident. she waited until the time was right and darted out towards the track. Even though this person caused all types of problems for my crew, the people aboard the train and the commuters between Boston and Providence i still say god bless her soul. We all got to go home that night to our families while somebody else got bad news. Also i hope all the young people who were on the platform are able to deal with what they saw. There were alot of young high school and college kids that witness what happen. it's hard for some guys out here who are professionals to deal with it, so i know these young kids are horrified by that scene.
'Acela Express', I'm so sorry that you and the rest of your crew had to deal with this horrible situation. I know it's not nearly the same, but as an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician), I have seen some terrible things, and have had to deal with losing many patients over the years who were under my care. Sometimes I have thoughts that haunt me. I second-guess what I did and run through in my mind the horrible 'what if' scenarios -- "What if I would have done 'B' instead of 'A'?" "What if I would have gotten there a minute earlier? 30 seconds earlier?" "Would those people still be alive if I would have done something different?" You and the others in your crew may be second-guessing everything you did that day. I know it is impossible to do so, but try not to be too hard on yourselves. Also, please get any help you need. Talking to a psychologist or psychiatrist is unfortunately so very stigmatized in our society, but talking to someone about what happened and what you are feeling may help you immensely. I know it did for me. Just letting everything out was a great help in my situation and it may also be in yours.

My thoughts are with you and anyone else affected by this unfortunate tragic incident.

A lot of people that posted above have been very blunt saying things like, "How stupid can you be for crossing the tracks, especially in high-speed territory?" Hearing story after story about people trespassing and being killed on the tracks makes everyone here think those thoughts -- I know I have, too. But please be respectful and remember that somebody is now gone, and that their family and friends have lost someone close to them.

Again, 'Acela Express', you and your crewmembers are in my thoughts. I hope that you find the strength you need to help you get through this.
  by CSX Conductor
m11stephen wrote: Its one thing to cross a rural freight line and its another thing to cross the NEC. Anyone who crosses the NEC after jumping a fence has a death wish.
There's no difference in stepping onto tracks that have a maximum authorized speed of 10mph or 150mph. She obviously knew what she was doing, too bad she had to involve an engineer who was just trying to do his job.
George Matthews wrote:Near Old Saybrook I have noticed a very good fence that it would be difficult to cross.
There is an inter-track fence at Mansfield as well. :wink:
  by CSX Conductor
Agent at Clicquot wrote:Anyone know where No. 2171 stopped after the accident? News video showed a switch in the foreground ... looks to be the lead to some freight warehouses near the NEC's 495 overgrade bridge.
That would be the Zayre's siding, also referred to as the West Mansfield Industrial Park. :wink:
Agent at Clicquot wrote:Having 100~135 mph trains run through an MBTA station at Normal Speed seems reckless. The sad truth is, paying the occasional lawsuit is cheaper than installing and maintaining an adequate automated partition.
As another poster mentioned, this is not reckless. As far as law suits, there shouldn't be one at all. It's pretty obvious that if this young lady wasn't on the tracks, which is trespassing, she wouldn't have been struck. Obviously she knew the consequences and had every intention of getting struck. :(
  by John_Perkowski
Moderator's Note:


Two thoughts:

1) If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it. If you cannot feel sadness for the person who chose a very bad way out of this life, feel sadness for an engine crew whose train became a weapon.

2) If you have any opportunity to assist a person who is at risk of suicide by pointing them to assistance, by all means take it.
  by BuddSilverliner269
foamers?? Who are you refering to? Hopefully not someone like me since I posted my disgust earlier in the thread before removing it. I'm a buff and a professional railroader.
  by 3rdrail
Gilbert B Norman wrote:Sgt. Joyce, it is noted at the Funeral Home's site, that material is submitted subject to review by the Home prior to its approval for posting.

If Moderators here were so empowered, I might have considered serving a third term.
I understand that, Gilbert. The only problem that I have is that it works in theory, but not necessarily in practicality. First of all, we are depending on the diligence of an unknown company to screen, and quite frankly, what I know about the funeral industry does not give me utmost confidence in their timely monitoring anything but their bottom line. Secondly, as a frequent contributor and moderator of Railroad.net, and thus associated with it, I would not want myself nor you to be associated with any other Railroad.net poster to this funeral home site who might place a mean-spirited message to a grieving family in the name of the organization with which we are associated - whether it be caught in a timely manner with message obliteration or otherwise. I am speaking for myself in my post and have offered my comment as an individual suggestion only.
  by Robert Paniagua
This is the second time in three years that this happened. Two or so years ago, there was a 15 yr old boy who was trying to jump from the mini-high to the other side where his mother was waiting for him, and that's where another WAS-bound Acela struck him, this is not goos guys, I guess we'll have to have more education about crossing tracks, since it's also a crime to be on tracks unless you're an Amtrak or MBCR Railway employee, wearing the proper vest and flashlight, and radio to warn central control of their presence along the right of way, and flags, if neccesary. I feel terrible also for the woman and the train crews of 2171
  by CSX Conductor
I heard another TRESPASSER was struck & killed just west of Wilmngton,DE yesterday and another TRESPASSER was killed over the weekend somewhere between Philly & DC. It's because people are where they shouldn't be, which is on the tracks.
  by Robert Paniagua
CSX Conductor wrote:I heard another TRESPASSER was struck & killed just west of Wilmngton,DE yesterday and another TRESPASSER was killed over the weekend somewhere between Philly & DC. It's because people are where they shouldn't be, which is on the tracks.

Oh my L0r|), not again, you know what, I think Amtrak will have to start sending a helicopter or a plane to watch for trespassers from up above, since this is only getting worse IMHO
  by Kaback9
Robert Paniagua wrote:
CSX Conductor wrote:I heard another TRESPASSER was struck & killed just west of Wilmngton,DE yesterday and another TRESPASSER was killed over the weekend somewhere between Philly & DC. It's because people are where they shouldn't be, which is on the tracks.

Oh my L0r|), not again, you know what, I think Amtrak will have to start sending a helicopter or a plane to watch for trespassers from up above, since this is only getting worse IMHO
My Thoughts are with the crews. I don't think flying a helicotper around is going to stop them.