• What is the current status of Rigby Yard?

  • Guilford Rail System changed its name to Pan Am Railways in 2006. Discussion relating to the current operations of the Boston & Maine, the Maine Central, and the Springfield Terminal railroads (as well as the Delaware & Hudson while it was under Guilford control until 1988). Official site can be found here: PANAMRAILWAYS.COM.
Guilford Rail System changed its name to Pan Am Railways in 2006. Discussion relating to the current operations of the Boston & Maine, the Maine Central, and the Springfield Terminal railroads (as well as the Delaware & Hudson while it was under Guilford control until 1988). Official site can be found here: PANAMRAILWAYS.COM.

Moderator: MEC407

  by newpylong
KSmitty wrote:So they were accused and fired, was this a story created to make it easy to fire people at Rigby and thus shift traffic to ED, or were they actually stealing time and the loss of personal caused the shift to ED?
More towards the latter.
  by markhb
Thanks for the info; I figured it was a time clock violation (or however employee time recording is handled by railroads), but I wanted to be sure. My great-grandfather worked at Rigby, but he's been gone since I was very small so there was no way I could ask him :) .