• UP Moving Yard Out Of Denver?

  • Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.
Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.

Moderator: Komachi

  by TB Diamond
The Fort Collins Coloradan of 21 June 2007, on the front page of the business section, featured the following article by the Associated Press:

Study: Rail yard move could boost Brighton economy. The article related that the Regional Transportation District wants to move the Union Pacific yards from downtown Denver to a 640-acre site between Brighton and Fort Lupton in order to make way for an expansion of the light rail system.
RTD has agreed to pay UP $100 million in relocation costs. The UP has conducted a study on the economic benefits associated with such a move and is conducting a second study, to be completed in November, on enviromental and noise level impacts. A possible spoiler to the deal is that if the costs exceed what RTD is willing to pay, the UP yards will stay put in Denver. The Nimby factor is already active as a "Say No to Union Pacific" group has been organized to oppose the proposed move.

  by BlockLine_4111
Thanks for the heads up on this.

If the net gain is more jobs I would favor it very much.

  by uhaul
I had no idea how far apart Brighton and Denver were so I looked it up.
About 20 miles according to Mapquest.

  by BlockLine_4111
Brighton is east of Denver, way out in the "flats", close to Commerce City and DIA. I believe the RTD expansion and Fast Tracks is giving the boot to freight ops with city limits.

  by TB Diamond
Brighton is north and east of Denver.

According to an article published in the 30 October 2007 edition of The Denver Post, the study commissioned by Union Pacific to show how the proposed yard complex near Brighton would affect traffic congestion, noise, air pollution and other environmental issues will be completed by the end of the year. This study will, in addition, determine the final cost of the move from downtown Denver.