• Train stopped in Bergen - 4/16

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New York State.
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New York State.

Moderator: Otto Vondrak

  by Aji-tater
Why should we do that, and how is that rational? It's a forum, we're discussing things, there is no obscenity or threats. We DO have a difference of opinion but that's what a forum is for.

I don't know why the train the original poster mentioned stopped, but he may or may not know that sometimes when an engineer makes what he intends as a slight reduction in brake pipe pressure - to begin applying the brakes - a defective valve on a car somewhere in the train may react by dumping the whole train in emergency, bringing it to a halt whether the crew wants to or not - and without any control over blocked crossings. Most railroads require that in that case a crewman must walk the train to be sure nothing has derailed in the process. It's possible that such an incident caused the situation he described.