• Scrapped Alcos

  • Discussion of products from the American Locomotive Company. A web site with current Alco 251 information can be found here: Fairbanks-Morse/Alco 251.
Discussion of products from the American Locomotive Company. A web site with current Alco 251 information can be found here: Fairbanks-Morse/Alco 251.

Moderator: Alcoman

  by oibu
Well, once those remnants are gone I guess that will leave us with ZERO remaining former CN C630s. Sad. How long did both 2028 and 2029 just languish, and yet no one stepped forward...
  by LVRCboy
Two LVRC RS-11's(Ex Centeral Vermont) and an RS-3(Ex LS&I) were scrapped in the 90's. The RS-3,7805, was cut up ""IN"" the engine house in Morrisville VT :(
  by Alcoman
I know we have been discussing ALCO's that HAVE BEEN scrapped, however there is no sense beating a dead horse. The focus should be ALCOS that need to be saved from scrapping. There is a couple of guidelines that one should keep in mind.
1) Not all ALCO's can be or should be saved. To think otherwise is just dreaming.
2) Think in terms of : "What makes this ALCO special" Why it should be saved. Is it the first of this model? The last of this model? The last model in existence? Other historical significance.
3) Where are you going to find the $$$$$ to save this ALCO? Ya know, in this bad economy, not everyone can spare a dime.
4) How much is it going to cost to buy this locomotive? How much will it cost to, move it and where are you going to put it? How are you going to preserve it from weather? Who is going to do the work to preserve it? What will this restoration require ? These are things one needs to consider when saving a locomotive.

Many groups do not have the deep pockets required to do a lot of Preservation either so there is no guarantee that a group can or will help.

Now, getting back to ALCO's that need to be saved: Here is a starter list.
1) LS&I RSD-12 LAST RSD12 built 1963
2) DL&W HH660 # 603 Currently owned by a scrap metal dealer in Indiana.Former Relco unit. Last DL&W ALCO.
3) RPPX ALCO C636 # 636-2 located in Cohocton, NY One of ONLY 2 ALCO DEMO units left. The other one is spoken for.
4) ADIRONDACK # 25 RSC-2 in danger of being scrapped. One of 2 in the U.S. left.
5) LAL C424 # 420 - stored and used as parts supply. Last PENNSY C424 plus its a phase one model.
6) Former Rock Island C415 # 421- sitting abandoned on isolated piece of track in Nebraska. One of ONLY 2 RI C415's left.

This is only a shortlist. I am sure there are others.
John Mech
  by thebigham
LVRCboy wrote:Two LVRC RS-11's(Ex Centeral Vermont) and an RS-3(Ex LS&I) were scrapped in the 90's. The RS-3,7805, was cut up ""IN"" the engine house in Morrisville VT :(
This thread is only for Alcos that are being scrapped now. Not ones in the past.
  by LVRCboy
[quote="thebigham"]I think we should start keeping track of Alocs that are scrapped.

Sorry about that, thought that you ment any "scrapped" Alco not just ones in the process of being scrapped.........'G'
  by Alcoman
I just learned that 2 RARE ALCO SSB-9 "B" units were scrapped in May. Their trucks got sold to someone to use under another Alco.
These were special cow-calf type units built for the Oliver Mining and later sold to USS in Corbin Ky. The units scrapped were the "calf" units. The ONLY 2 built.
  by JasonA
RELCO S2 1019, a former EL unit, was scrapped in Pontiac, IL last summer. I was able to save a large number of parts, including the complete prime mover, all mechanical and electrical parts. The engine was in a fire, and had extensive damage. HVRM was part of the deal, and we ended up a ton of parts to support our EL S1, #310. I have photos if anyone wants to see them.

President, HVRM
  by thebigham
I heard an ex-B&M S-3 was recently scrapped by a power plant. Can anyone confirm?
  by Mr.S
What happened to the EX -D.& H. G.& W. that were rebuilt?
  by scottychaos
Mr.S wrote:What happened to the EX -D.& H. G.& W. that were rebuilt?
I would like to know that too!
information has been lacking on them..here are their details:

Two Alco C424m units:

nee EL 2405 - built 1963
to CR 2479 - 1976
to D&H C424m 462 (rebuilt Hornell, 1980)
to G&W 62 in 1985
to Guilford 62
to Minnesota Commercial #62 in 1992
currently at National Railway Equipment.

nee EL 2408 - built 1963
to CR 2482 - 1976
to D&H C424m 463 (rebuilt Hornell, 1980)
to G&W 63 in 1985
to Guilford 63
to Minnesota Commercial #63 in 1992
currently at National Railway Equipment
"Ex-Minnesota Commercial C424M’s 62 & 63(Ex- D&H 462 & 463, G&W 62 & 63, nee-EL 2405 & 2408) is reported as stored at National Railway Equipment. Future doesn’t look bright for these Alcos, probably will be stripped for parts."
-John Komanesky (2005)
Source for above info: http://1stclass.mylargescale.com/Scotty ... Wpage.html

  by thebigham
From Ed Bowers:

The following ALCO's have gone to the great beyond
in the past few months:

N&W RS-11 312
N&W RS-11 321
TP&W RS-11 401
WRR (USA) MRS-1 2089

BJFR 5 (Milwaukee 578) RSC-2 is in the process of
being dismantled as I write this note.

With steel and copper at all-time highs, these old
gals are going fast.
  by thebigham
What is BJFR?

The 2 N&W units were owned by Ed, correct?

The MRS-1 was on the White River Scenic Railroad. A recent pic is here:

http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/showPi ... id=2571137

Where was #401?


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