• Garden City Secondary Where are the new switches?

  • Discussion related to NYAR operations on Long Island. Official web site can be found here: www.anacostia.com/nyar/nyar.html. Also includes discussion related to NYNJ Rail, the carfloat operation successor to New York Cross Harbor that connects with NYAR.
Discussion related to NYAR operations on Long Island. Official web site can be found here: www.anacostia.com/nyar/nyar.html. Also includes discussion related to NYNJ Rail, the carfloat operation successor to New York Cross Harbor that connects with NYAR.

  by badneighbor
the police are certainly around more these days Joe, the truth be told, they have increased patrols everywhere I go...

  by DogBert
if there are no signs, you are breaking no law... (at least that's how it works in the city, not sure about the burbs).

  by Long Island 7285
Dogbert, That is very true and for shure I would beleive that too, but to be slick and show they are doing their jobs thell prosicute you for tresspassing any how, and then you will start seeing no tresspassing signs there.

  by icecubes
I don't even picture mtapd as real police so they don't even make me nervous one bit.

  by Long Island 7285
They are real police and have 100% police power's as I been told by my old man whos a retired NYPD officer. he said that not long after 9-11.

the job of the MTA police is to be the police of the states public transportation system IE, commuter bus and commuter rail. and to be on the look out for any and everything that can intervein in the smooth operation of the system.
as the regular cops are for the street. the MTA cops are for the transportation. both working inter relations with each other.

That's why I try to VERY LIMIT my confrintation with the Po-Lice. though i found NCPD eaiser to deal with then the MTA.

  by badneighbor
As I have been told, MTA-PD has powers rivaling New York State Troopers, they can go anywhere, anytime state-wide and have authority. They need broad powers to cover the various juristictions... I have seen them pulling cars over on Southern State Parkway, as well as sitting at crossings bagging trucks and busses that don't stop-look-listen.

  by pgengler
badneighbor wrote:As I have been told, MTA-PD has powers rivaling New York State Troopers, they can go anywhere, anytime state-wide and have authority. They need broad powers to cover the various juristictions... I have seen them pulling cars over on Southern State Parkway, as well as sitting at crossings bagging trucks and busses that don't stop-look-listen.
I've seen them sitting near the Roslyn Road grade crossing a lot lately (well, a few weeks ago; not much since). I assume they were there to make sure that nobody stopped on the crossing, which could happen pretty easily (with two of the four lanes gone for the crossing elimination project, traffic often backs up to and past the crossing in each direction).

  by Legio X
The MTA Police also have full police powers in Connecticut. You will also see the MTA Police Highway Patrol on the highways, especially near the bridges and tunnels operated by the MTA. They wear the same style uniform as the City and county highway patrols on the Island: leather jackets, boots, riding breeches with the gold piping, Sam Browne-style gunbelt and "crushed" eight-point cap. Speed, aggressive driving and DWI enforcement are their mission on the highways. There is talk of the MTAPD forming an aviation section too. Give them their due as you would the City or County police....

  by Long Island 7285
Sounds more like a want-to-be state trooper?

as long as your enounter while buffing is friendly and you be treat them right reguardless of them being a dick to you. all will go down ok.

I never trid to walk away from them. when i see them comeing to me I stop look listen for them to make shure its me. then walk toward them and extend a handshake and try to turn it to a positive situation at the start. some times it works others there like F**off or go to jail.. it all depends on who it is and what mood there in.

  by b&p rupture
Speaking of the authority of different departments, NYC used to have 3 different Police Depts, Transit, Housing, and of coure the NYPD itelf. Each with citywide jurisdiction. There was one story related to me of a perp being chased by a Transit PD cop in the subway, the perp ran upstairs to the street, and thinking they were "home free" slowed down. (Transit can't touch me now). The handcuffs proved other wise.
(The 2 other Depts have since merged into the NYPD and are now bureaus within.)

And any cop, anywhere, can detain you until the appropiate authorities do arrive.

  by Long Island 7285
And any cop, anywhere, can detain you until the appropiate authorities do arrive.
Goes true for off duty officers and even retired officers, If they feel the need to infervein and call the proper authority they can and will. some officers carry there gun and cuffs both on and off duty as a show a power and to look cool.

  by Legio X
Carrying a firearm off-duty is not "to look cool", it's to comply with department regulations and the NYS laws governing police powers. Policemen are policemen, 24/7. Carrying handcuffs off-duty is unusual, though. That is usually someone who is: 1) New on the Job (Rookie/Buff), 2) Has a second job as loss-prevention in a store (Many NYPD members fall into this category because of the shitty pay-scale), or 3) Take the Job very, very seriously.

  by Long Island 7285
Thanks for the clear up, you must have been a cop? seem to have it down to a science. I shouldn't have said to look cool, it is infact a dept. policy for all PD's any where. I more or less ment that in terms of thoes looking to show it off like "yo im a cop whay ya gunna do" I guess there police foamers? but still, point has been made.