Discussion relating to the PRR, up to 1968. Visit the PRR Technical & Historical Society for more information.
  by M&Eman
1. Why are there so many different varieties of caternary structures on Pensey lines even though it was all electrified wtihin 10 years of each other?

2. Don't laugh, but how do you spell caternary (or Catenary)? :-)

  by choess
Electrification took more than ten years. Broad Street to Paoli was completed in 1915, and the wires didn't reach Harrisburg until 1938. IIRC, the tubular-style poles were characteristic of the early commuter electrification, but the PRR soon switched over to the girder-style for most of its needs. (Plus a few oddball things; I think Enola and perhaps Pot Yard had wooden creosoted poles in a few places, and there are the stone supports on the Schuylkill River bridge into Broad Street/Suburban Station.)

The correct spelling is "catenary," meaning the curve taken by a hanging chain.

  by Bill West
Spelling...-fair question. I use it a lot and my *@#! MS word spell checker doesn't have it. Even sillier it does have the plural!

  by Don31
I believe the correct spelling is "catenary".