• New Colorado Ski Train?

  • Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.
Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.

Moderator: Komachi

  by GWoodle
http://www.usatoday.com/travel/destinat ... rain_N.htm
Colorado Ski Train on track to return this season
Updated 9/18/2009 4:34 PM
DENVER (AP) — The Ski Train may be back this winter after the Union Pacific Railroad agreed to let a new owner use its tracks between Denver and the Winter Park resort. The special passenger train was in danger of dying when the previous owner folded the operation and sold the equipment last spring after a 69-year run.
Apparently the Union Pacific is in talks to find a New Operator for the Ski Train this winter?

Colorado Ski Train revival gathers steam
The operator of a southern Colorado railway has asked about taking over the route.
By Jeffrey Leib
The Denver Post
Posted: 08/05/2009 01:00:00 AM MDT
A company with experience running excursion passenger trains in southern Colorado is interested in reviving Ski Train service between Denver and Winter Park, beginning with the upcoming season. It is "very premature" to talk about the resumption of the Ski Train, said Edwin Ellis, president of Iowa Pacific Holdings LLC, which counts the Alamosa-based San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad and Rio Grande Scenic Railroad among its properties.
Added a Denver Post link.

Anyone on here ride a Iowa Pacific train??

[EDIT- You must provide a brief quote of the story you are linking to! -omv]
  by trainhq
Well, that would be nice. I rode it a few times in the mid 90s, and it was lots of fun. Beautiful scenery, relaxing trip. Drops you at Winter Park right out of the Moffet tunnel. Much better than driving up I 70. Sure hope they get it going again.
  by ZephyrHogHead
According to this article Amtrak has all ready been approved by the UP to operate the Ski- Train! It will be run using equipment provided by Iowa Pacific who wants to run the train but Amtrak will operate it providing operating crews under contract.


All are aboard plan to revive Ski Train runs
Amtrak and Iowa Pacific get the go-ahead for Denver-to-Winter Park rail trips from Dec. 26 to March 28.
By Jeffrey Leib
The Denver Post
Posted: 09/18/2009 01:00:00 AM MDT
The Union Pacific Railroad said Thursday that it has approved a request from Amtrak to operate a revived Ski Train between Denver and Winter Park for the upcoming ski season. In April, a company operated by Denver billionaire Phil Anschutz said it would no longer run Ski Train excursions to Winter Park, potentially ending a 69-year tradition. Anschutz's firm sold its Ski Train railcars to a Canadian railroad company. Last month, Iowa Pacific Holdings LLC, which operates excursion railroads seasonally in southern Colorado and short-line freight railroads in this state and across the country, said it would like to take over the Denver-Winter Park service.
[EDIT- You must provide a brief quote of the story you are linking to - omv]
  by trainhq
Will they use the same cars they used to have, or will everything be new?
  by goodnightjohnwayne
trainhq wrote:Will they use the same cars they used to have, or will everything be new?
The old ex-CN,ex-VIA Tempo coaches have gone back to Canada to run on the Algoma Central.

As far as equipment, Iowa Pacific owns the Rio Grande Scenic Railroad, although I'm not quite sure about what their current roster is? They do have some lightweight era coaches, but I don't know if they're steam heated or HEP?
  by Gilbert B Norman
Here's more on Iowa Pacific:


During my years in the industry, I had occasion to know of the gentlemen noted on the masthead.
  by ejones
trainhq wrote:Will they use the same cars they used to have, or will everything be new?
For starters, looks like they already have full-length domes, some 50's coaches, and what appears to be an unusual ex-LIRR double bi-level car set. You can get a fairly good look here.

I presume I am safe in believing they do not plan on running their open-air coaches.
  by czhoghead
Not a done deal yet, but getting closer. Central Division currently discussing crew requirements/availability; BLE and UTU not yet formally involved. Apparently Amtrak will not be supplying the power; latest indication is that it will be SD90s, presumably leased from UP (HEP from power car?).
  by mikeydc03
This is good news! One would think that Amtrak would take this opportunity to cross market itself with this new Ski Train. Essentially there would be two frequencies on the route, which looks better than a tourist train with no connections on either end. The California Zephyr and Ski Train run over the same route, and promoting that two daily trains connect the cities, it will allow people to pick which train meets their needs the best. If the Zephyr meets their needs one way and the Ski train the other it allows the passenger to take the train when they otherwise wouldn't be able to.

I see this as a win win for both operators and passengers. This would fall under Amtrak operating in an efficient and effective manner, providing service to the people. It could potentially stimulate higher demand for the route to improving financial performance for the Ski Train and the Zephyr.
  by trainhq
I skied using the Zephyr too. The problem with it is that it takes you actually a few miles away into Winter Park, and then
you have to ride a shutttle bus over to the resort. That plus a later schedule (or it was back then, anyway) means if you do it
that way you don't get much ski time. The ski train, which dropped you right out of the Moffet tunnel where you could just walk
over to Winter Park, was better. I hope the new one does likewise. Maybe they'll also build a platform for it now at Winter Park, if
more people use it, which I think they will now that there is light rail to Union Station.
  by hi55us
ejones wrote: an unusual ex-LIRR double bi-level car set. You can get a fairly good look here.
I don't think those cars would be good to view Colorado Scenery. They are ugly commuter coaches!
  by Tadman
Otto, it looks like privately owned but operated under contract by Amtrak.
  by John_Perkowski
Actually, I think it's a 3 way deal:

UP is providing time on the line.

Iowa Pacific provides the equipment.

Amtrak provides T&E crew, or maybe just the official fig leaf, since IP has qualified engines and crews, though they'd have to requalify for the Front Range run.
  by czhoghead
Update: Last week, Denver Mayor Hickenlooper's office contacted Mr. Boardman's office to move the process forward after Central Division balked at crew requirements/availability; also, owners now saying power slated to be SL&RG SD40-2's (purple, spotted in Alamosa two weeks ago) with HEP power car. A step closer to Dec. 26 start-up.