• MPI to build five "MPXpress" locomotives for N.M.

  • All about locomotive rebuilders, small locomotive works, and experimental works
All about locomotive rebuilders, small locomotive works, and experimental works

Moderator: Komachi

  by railfanofewu
So will they also get 3600hp like the CalTrain Locomotives? I guess in New Mexico they wiill need that much power. Say, can these locomotives be used to Pull Amtrak Trains as well? If so, perhaps Amtrak should buy a few, perhaps with a little extra horsepower. See if they can give a Genesis a run for it's money.

  by Scotty Burkhardt
caltrain has their engines serviced in LA, several times theres been a caltrain mp36 slapped on the front of the coastal starlight.

minus the above, is there any other info on this new service in N.M.? what kind of coaches are going to be bought? etc?

  by railfanofewu
Standard Bombardier Bi-Levels I believe.