Discussion relating to the operations of MTA MetroNorth Railroad including west of Hudson operations and discussion of CtDOT sponsored rail operations such as Shore Line East and the Springfield to New Haven Hartford Line

Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, nomis, FL9AC, Jeff Smith

  by benltrain
i must have seen 100 pictures of melrose station, but they are all around the station. the only one on the platform is on the metro-north website and has terrible lighting! anybody have a daytime picture from the platform?

  by benltrain
no pictures? is melrose truly as dreary as I hear?

  by njtmnrrbuff
Much of Melrose station is in a tunnel. There are some other public overpasses to get shots of the trains.

  by benltrain
se nobody has any interior photos sans the one on the MTA website

  by DutchRailnut
I guess not, so go out and get us some pictures. not that there is much to see.
the new platform northbound will be more outside the tunnel but southbound stays pretty much same.

  by benltrain
alright, thanks, i'll see if i can ever get out there myself.
  by Fred G
I hiked along Park Av - Bronx along the MN ROW looking for evidence of old stations and also to visit the newer versions at Tremont and Melrose.

I believe this is all that remains of the 183rd St station

Ditto for Morrisania at 168th St.

Click here for the rest of the album including photos of Tremont & Melrose stations and of course some TRAIN PICS :P As always, if you see any info that needs correcting let me know.

  by IslesFan
Excellent as usual Fred!!!


  by kitn1mcc
nice pics indeed Gotta love the BX

  by Fred G
Thanks, guys, I'm glad you like the photos.

  by IslesFan
So... what's your secret for getting awesome shots?

  by oddball
nice pics, one of my favorite areas. Im the only ticket seller who actually likes going to fordham :-D anyone know when that Morrisania station or the 183rd st. station closed?

  by DutchRailnut
in 1983 same as 183th street
  by Tom Curtin
There's one other abandoned station, abandoned longer than the others you photographed, that's Claremont Parkway which was at or around 171st Street (between Morrissiania and Tremont) . This one was abandoned by NYC around the late 50s or early 60s. I do not know the exact date but it was before I started college (1963) and became familiar with this territory myself. You can find remnants of that too, at least on the track 3 side where there is an indentation in the stone wall as at the other station sites. There is an industry or warehouse of some sort on the track 4 side, at track level.

By the way it's good to see this part of The Bronx has become safe enough again to hang out in with a camera!!
  by Fred G
Ok, thanks, Tom, that must be this one where the freight siding is:

(Previous image file unavailable)

That's what that jog in the wall is on the right of the photo.