Unfortunately, the Central never had Wide-Visions. Would have been neat if they had. I saw one available in "HO" a few years ago, may have even bought it and tossed it into a lost bag in the closet. It had a white stenciled Cigar Band logo on it, that I remember I didn't like. IHC makes one as a track cleaning car, I think.
Naturally, had the Central gone with a high profile thing like that, it would have had the R,W&B Cigar Band logo on it. If you model one, don't forget to paint the roof of the coupola WHITE to signify that it could roam the entire system! :D
It would be fun to do a contest here of people modeling a certain piece in Central. Take something the Central never had, and see how we would all make it appear in proper Central livery.....
Just a thought.
As long as we're on the subject, what is the height of a Wide Vision? Perhaps the reason why the Central never had them was the old "They didn't have Domes due to clearance"? If the Central had a clearance issue, you can bet they never even had two for a "Test Drive".
The Pennsylvania didn't have Wide Vision cabooses either, as far as I remember.
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