Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.
Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.
I think you may find what you need in a general search online, one of the wonderful Kalmbach Publications entitled The Compendium of American Railroad Radio Frequencies...
I was out on BNSF between Wishram and Vancouver last summer... my radio just feel silent after I left Washougal. Not a peep. Nothing from detectors, either. Heard a signal maintainer once. In Vancouver, plenty of chatter. Same thing once I headed south on the Oregon Trunk, loud and clear from Wishram to Bend. Did I do something wrong? Or just have the wrong frequencies in my scanner?
BNSF Scanner Frequencies
Pasco West Dispatcher : 161.415mhz
Vancouver Terminal Dispatcher : 161.250mhz
Centralia South Dispatcher : 161.100mhz
Portland PBX : 161.130mhz
Stevenson PBX : 160.620mhz
Bingen-Wishram PBX : 160.665mhz
tacomalarry wrote: I would enjoy knowing washington State scanner Freq.
One good source of iformation is at Altamont Press. Click on and look for the Northwest Region Timetable. This timetable covers Alaska, Oregon, Idaho and Washington. It has line-by-line frequencies for the road and other frequencies.